In 2021, the ownership of Meebits, a tokenized meta bus avatar IP from Cryptopunks producer Labs, was the second hand.
Crypto Venture Fund 1Confirmation, a new company supported by Meebit Company (aka Meebco), announced that it acquired Ethereum NFT IP and collection at Yuga Labs, the former owner and producer of the boring APE yacht club on Friday.
Yuga Labs acquired the Meebits IP in the larvae laboratory with a 2022 encryption punk. Led by SERGIO “Sergito” Silva CEO, Meebco will supervise 20,000 20,000 Ether Lee Rium NFT Avatar. In addition, we started a reward system called Beat for participation around the avatar.
GREG “Garga” Solano, co -founder and CEO of Yuga Labs, is a successful maneuvering of “NFT projects in X. I saw the plan for the plan! ”
I told Silva. decoding The oil lab will have a stake in Meebit Company. The oil lab did not respond immediately. decodingRequest for opinion.
Meebits began with the expansion of the NFT market boom in 2021, but at first, the avatar had no continuous demand for the original crypto punk in the larvae laboratory, which still ordered the minimum price of $ 100,000 in the second market.
In contrast, MEEBITS currently starts with an ETH of less than $ 2,000 at the NFT marketplace at the time of this article, which has received 69%of the price benefits since it was released early Friday. Meebits was first sold for ETH worth $ 8,750 when the sale began in early May 2021.
MEEBITS is designed to be used in various 3D meta bus platforms and games, but the expected metabus boom has not actually proceeded as planned, Silva said.
“Meebits was much ahead of their time,” he said, “he said decoding. “They just had no chance to be grateful.”
In accordance with the new ownership, Meebco now offers the opportunity to gain the point to help Meebits holders and community members to induce participation around the collection. The point system of encryption is often a pioneer of all chain token launches and air drops, but that plan has not been shared yet.
According to X threads, MEEBCO will provide a bit to the Meebits NFT trader when traded through the prominent Marketplace OpenSea, a third -party trading platform that the project prefers. The existing Meebits Holder will be awarded retroactive bits when the portal platform is released in the next few weeks, and Silva has additional revenue.
“It’s just a better way for people to match the future we build,” he said. decoding. “If you want to be part of the future, it’s a good way to raise your hands by participating in a variety of activation that will help you accumulate beats.”
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