
AI transforms the IT support experience.

We know that understanding your technical issues is paramount to providing effective support services. Businesses demand immediate and accurate solutions to technical issues, so support teams must have in-depth technical knowledge and clearly communicate an action plan. Support tools built into products, such as virtual assistants, or online support tools can facilitate more informed and efficient support interactions through client self-service.

About 85% of executives say generative AI will interact directly with customers within the next two years. Those who implement self-service search into their sites and tools can become exponentially more powerful with generative AI. Generative AI can learn from massive data sets and generate nuanced, personalized answers. The ability to understand the underlying context of a question (taking into account variables such as tone, emotion, and context) allows AI to provide responses tailored to the user’s specific needs, and through automation to execute tasks such as opening a ticket and placing an order. can. Replacement Parts.

Even if a topic comes up that the virtual assistant can’t address on its own, automation makes it easy to connect clients with a live agent who can help. When you escalate to a live agent, you’ll be provided with an AI-generated summary of the conversation history so your virtual assistant can seamlessly pick up where you left off.

IBM, the developer of AI, works with thousands of customers to help infuse technology across their enterprises for new levels of insight and efficiency. Much of our experience comes from implementing AI in our own processes and tools, which we can leverage to engage our customers.

Our customers tell us that their businesses need faster responses, minimal downtime, and a streamlined, proactive support process that can anticipate user needs that lead to future issues.

Clients can provide self-service 24/7 and proactively resolve potential issues.

IBM Technology Lifecycle Services (TLS) leverages AI and automation to deliver streamlined support services to IBM customers across multiple channels, including chat, email, phone, and web. Integrating AI and automation into customer support service tools and operations has been pivotal in increasing efficiency and improving the overall customer experience.

  • Online chat via virtual assistant: IBM virtual assistant It is designed to simplify service operations by providing a consistent interface to navigate IBM. Through past interactions with various guides, many inquiries can be resolved first through self-service. You can also switch to a live agent if needed or open a ticket for a support engineer to resolve. This experience is integrated across IBM and powered by Watson.XIBM’s AI platform.
  • Automatic help initiated through the product: IBM servers and storage systems have a feature called Call Home/Enterprise Service Agent (ESA) that customers can set up to automatically send notifications to IBM 24x7x365. When Call Home is enabled, the product sends appropriate error details (such as drive errors or firmware errors) to IBM. If an error requiring corrective action is received (if you have valid support entitlements), a service request will be automatically opened and processed according to the terms of the client’s support agreement. In fact, 91% of Call Home requests are answered through automation. Service requests are routed electronically directly to the appropriate IBM Support Center without any Customer intervention. When the system reports a potential problem, it sends essential technical details, including extended error information such as error logs and system snapshots. Typical results for clients include reduced problem diagnosis and resolution time.
  • Automated end-to-end view of your IT infrastructure: IBM Support Insights Pro unifies the support experience by providing IBM customers with visibility into their IBM and multivendor infrastructure. Highlights potential problems and provides recommended actions. This cloud-based service is designed to help IT teams proactively improve uptime and address security vulnerabilities through analytics-based insights, inventory management, and preventative maintenance recommendations. This service is built to help customers improve IT reliability, close support gaps, and streamline inventory management for IBM and other OEM systems. Suggested mitigations and “what-if” analyzes comparing various resolution options can help customers and support personnel identify the best option given their chosen risk profile. Today, more than 3,000 customers use IBM Support Insights to manage more than 4 million IT assets.

Empower IBM support agents with automation tools and AI for faster case resolution and insights.

Generative AI offers additional benefits by identifying patterns and insights in the data you collect and designing it to help support agents more easily navigate complex issues. This feature gives agents comprehensive visibility into a customer’s situation and history, allowing them to provide more informed support. AI can also generate recommendations such as automated summaries, personalized communications, teaching customers how to use products better, and provide valuable insights for developing new services.

IBM TLS provides access to Watson.X We’ve built technology and automation tools to help our support engineers work more productively and efficiently. These include:

  • Agent support This is an AI cloud service based on IBM Watson.X, used by IBM support personnel. IBM has an extensive product knowledge base, and it’s critical that you quickly retrieve the most relevant information when working on your case. Agent Assist supports your team by finding the most relevant information from IBM’s knowledge base and providing recommended solutions to agents. It helps agents save time by getting to the information they want faster.
  • Case Summary IBM watsonx is another AI-based tool used by agents. Depending on their complexity, some support cases may take several weeks to resolve. During this time, information such as problem descriptions, analysis results, action plans, and other communications will occur between the IBM support team and the customer. Providing updates and details about your case is very important throughout the duration of the case until resolution. Generative AI simplifies this process, making it easier to create case summaries with minimal effort.
  • IBM Support PortalPowered by IBM Watson and Salesforce, provides a common platform for customers and support agents to have a unified view of their support tickets, regardless of how they were created (voice, chat, web, Call Home, and email). Once authenticated, users can view all stories from companies around the world. IBM support agents can also track support trends around the world, which are automatically analyzed and leveraged, to provide quick, proactive tips and guidance. Agents receive support with first action courses and internal technical note taking to help generate documentation during the case closure process. This tool also helps you identify “where” and “how” questions, which can help you identify opportunities to improve your support content and product user experience.

Meeting your customers’ needs and expectations for technical support requires a balanced blend of technical expertise, good communication, effective tool use, and proactive problem resolution. Generative AI transforms customer service by introducing dynamic, context-aware conversations that go beyond simple question-and-answer interactions. This leads to sophisticated, user-centric interactions. You can also automate tasks, analyze data to identify patterns and insights, and resolve customer issues faster.

Infrastructure Optimization

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