
AI+DePIN Technology and Application Summit concluded successfully

On June 6, the “AI+DePIN Technology and Application Summit” hosted by AIConnect and co-hosted by JuCoin was successfully concluded in Ho Chi Minh City. This event marks a significant step forward in AIConnect’s market expansion and technology adoption and represents a major milestone for JuCoin in promoting the integration of AI and DePIN technologies.

The conference began with an opening speech by Tony Tong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Blockchain Association. He warmly welcomed attendees and praised AIConnect and JuCoin’s efforts to promote AI+DePIN technology integration. He said, “The combination of AI and DePIN will bring revolutionary changes to various industries.” “Technological innovation and ecosystem building are the core of future development, and the close integration of AI+DePIN will open a new era of intelligence.”

Several keynote speeches followed to further deepen the topic.

First, James, Director of Exor Digital Holdings and Global Strategic Partner of JuCoin Exchange, introduced the platform. JuCoin is a digital asset exchange dedicated to promoting financial freedom and technological innovation. Since its establishment in 2013, JuCoin has adhered to its core values ​​of innovation, security, reliability, and efficiency, providing a trustworthy trading environment for users around the world. JuCoin aims to become a leading global digital asset trading platform that drives innovation and development in the entire fintech industry. They are focused on building a comprehensive ecosystem encompassing financial services, digital identity, supply chain management, and more, leveraging blockchain technology to lead the way in a more open, transparent, and efficient era.

Next, Andrew Wilson, co-founder of JuCoin Labs, introduced JuCoin Labs. Andrew highlighted JuCoin Labs’ important role in advancing blockchain technology and the Web3 ecosystem and fostering industry development through comprehensive investment strategies and support services. He demonstrates strategic vision and ambition for blockchain innovation by focusing on Layer1 and Layer2 solutions, DeFi, NFT, GameFi, and Metaverse.

Next, Jonathan Frank, CMO of AIConnect, gave a presentation on “AIConnect: Decentralized AWS + OpenAI!” Frank provided an in-depth analysis of AIConnect, describing it as a combination of decentralized AWS and OpenAI. AIConnect represents not only technological innovation but also a vision for the future of AI services. To address the computing demands brought about by rapid AI development, we propose to use $AIC as the computing power currency unit to create a distributed computing network to efficiently share and utilize computing resources. AIConnect will lead the AI ​​computing and blockchain industries into a new era and create greater value for society.

Lastly, AIConnect community ambassador Alexx shared insights, emphasizing that AIConnect is not only a product of technological innovation, but also a reflection of the vision of future computing power and AI services. As AI technology advances, the demand for computing power increases, and traditional centralized computing resources cannot meet this demand. AIConnect aims to lead the AI ​​computing and blockchain industries to a new level of development by building a distributed computing network to share and efficiently utilize computing resources.

Speakers shared insights and experiences on AI and DePIN technology integration based on rich examples and data. These presentations not only inspired the audience but also set a professional and forward-thinking tone for the summit.

On the same day, JuCoin signed strategic partnership agreements with Com2000 and Port3Network. JuCoin’s global influence, a decentralized supercomputing service platform focused on global market expansion, is expected to increase further through this strategic partnership. This agreement is expected to take JuCoin’s collaboration with Com2000 and Port3Network to a new level globally.

A roundtable forum was held with the topic “Is AI+DePIN the blockchain trend of the year?” Next, experts and industry leaders had in-depth discussions. They explored the latest developments and future trends of AI+DePIN in the blockchain industry from various perspectives and shared their views and insights. As the world accelerates digital transformation, AI+DePIN has become a foundational technology driving change across industries. The integration of AI+DePIN not only facilitates rapid technology iteration and widespread adoption, but can also usher in a more secure, transparent, and efficient service model that can bring significant change to the global economy.

Forum content sparked heated discussion among attendees.

The event concluded with AIConnect Ho Chi Minh Night, providing a comfortable and enjoyable platform for further interaction between attendees, deepening relationships, and fostering in-depth discussions on technologies and applications. All events ended with great success.

The successful conclusion of this event showcased the innovative achievements of AIConnect and JuCoin in the field of AI+DePIN and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation. We believe that the joint efforts of AIConnect and JuCoin will allow AI technology and DePIN applications to have broader development prospects, injecting new momentum into global technological innovation and industry upgrading.

Through this conference, participants in the AI+DePIN field gained a deep understanding that AIConnect not only has a leading edge in technology and applications, but also demonstrates a firm commitment to promoting AI+DePIN integration. In the future, AIConnect will continue to build a comprehensive AI ecosystem to create more value for users and investors and lead the innovation and application of AI technology.

Media Contact

contact: David Ritchson

Company’s name: AIConnect


email: (email protected)

Contact: Jcheck Jaythose

Company’s name: JuCoin


email: (email protected)

Disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not an investment recommendation and is not intended as investment advice, financial advice or trading advice. We strongly recommend that you practice due diligence, including consulting with a professional financial advisor, before investing in or trading cryptocurrencies and securities.

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