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Amazing things can happen when teens and young adults help older adults learn skills one-on-one

British author and theologian CS Lewis said, “Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and harder to endure.” With all the attention given to mental health and wellbeing, communities are trying to find ways to tackle this problem, which has only worsened since COVID-19.

But tackling loneliness, especially among older adults, requires clear goals and unique solutions because the experience of loneliness is both collective and personal.

“One thing I’ve become very clear about after running Teenears for several years is that the primary service we provide is not technical support. “It’s a human relationship.”

— Trish Lopez, Teeniors CEO

Today, more people live alone than ever before. About one-third of Americans are age 65 or older, and half of them are age 85 or older. We’ve heard everything from the dangers of isolation and loneliness to the health of older people, to loneliness shortening lifespans in a similar way to smoking 15 cigarettes. day.

Related: ‘There are a lot of lonely people out there.’ Is loneliness killing you?

Regarding digital and technological solutions, new research shows that information and communication technology-based tools and interventions can effectively provide social support and improve mental health in older people.

See also: The ‘Circle of Loneliness’: How America’s Busy Culture Can Increase Isolation

Impact of Socialization

More specifically, intergenerational mentoring between college students and older adults (also known as digital buddy programs) can help bridge the digital divide among older adults. These connections are of utmost importance, and fostering them can impact older adults’ mental health, from depression to health-related quality of life and beyond.

“If there’s one thing we consistently hear from older adults, it’s that socialization is critical to their well-being,” said Trish Lopez, 2021 Next Avenue Aging Influencer and CEO of Teeniors, an award-winning company targeting youth. said. Young people helping older adults learn skills through one-on-one personalized coaching.

“One thing I’ve become very clear about after running Teenears for several years is that the primary service we provide is not technical support. It’s a human connection,” she continued. “And the level at which we recognize that and stick to that is the level at which we can continue to be successful.”

If more digital buddy programs existed, they could reduce the impact of loneliness on older people. However, the ageist stereotype that this demographic distrusts technology is far from the truth and could be an impediment to the emergence of these programs.

Another obstacle is that companies need to more effectively consider older people and their needs when designing products.

Research shows that older adults stand to benefit the most from these technological advancements, but they often have the least access to them.

read: Bring the whole family together: Multigenerational living, once the norm for many Americans, is making a comeback.

telemedicine, etc.

The research results are clear. Previous data has shown that in 2021, older adults were among the top three groups that used telehealth the most during the pandemic. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, telehealth use increases with age, with more than 40% of adults over 65 participating, and 29.4% of adults ages 18 to 29.

Ultimately, older adults are now relying more heavily on technology to improve their health-related quality of life and become more self-sufficient as they age..

In fact, many older adults have goals that go beyond reducing loneliness or creating conversation. Whether it’s volunteering to help young students improve their English skills or learning new skills from them. You can explore questions such as how communities should achieve this and how to create sustainable programs.

Additionally, examining lifestyles, quality of relationships, confidence in social situations, and the neighborhood in which an individual lives can provide a clearer picture of an individual’s needs and help understand and guide loneliness prevention efforts.

Bringing people of different ages together, whether through formalized programs or informal neighborhood interactions, “builds awareness and education about the aging process and reduces ageist assumptions or stereotypes, thereby strengthening the community for all.” said Katie White, Central Ohio Region Manager. Institute on Aging.

Buddy programs should not be limited to older adults either. Imagine if different senior living communities could come together to start a virtual pen pal program to reduce loneliness and create a sense of belonging among residents, especially during transitions such as the death of a loved one or adjusting to a chronic illness.

plus: ‘It often gets me through the day’: How retirement communities can improve social connections through technology

Healthy relationships are critical to people’s survival and well-being. Improved social connectedness not only improves mental health, it can also help fight depression and cognitive decline. Innovations like the Digital Buddy Program are great solutions to help give seniors the opportunity to lead better lives.

Sophie Okolo is a Forbes contributor, Columbia University Age Boom Academy Fellow, and TEDMED Research Scholar. She is the founder and host of Global Health Aging, a creative consulting and award-nominated resource providing diverse opinions, news articles, and innovative research on longevity and healthy aging.

This article is reprinted with permission from:©2024 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. All rights reserved.

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