
Announcement of Path to Devcon Grants

Announcement of Path to Devcon Grants

Devcon 7 is scheduled for release in 2024.The final location is still up in the air, but one thing we can say for sure: devcon Coming to Southeast Asia! 🌏

We look forward to starting the journey towards Devcon 7 in Southeast Asia and are excited to see the Ethereum community in SEA becoming more active since announcing Devcon 7. We’re excited to see communities from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. , Vietnam participated.

Today we Road to Devcon (RTD) Grant Round Supports the emergence of new Ethereum events, grassroots communities, and educational initiatives across various geographies.

If you live in Southeast Asia and enjoy growing your community, developing educational activities, and strengthening local capacity through the opportunities offered by Ethereum, we encourage you to apply for support through Road to Devcon. The maximum grant awarded is $1,000, and it is recommended to apply for small gatherings rather than large events.

The application deadline is 30 November 2023, 23:59 UTC.

Communities build roads 🏗

The road to Devcon is not just a metaphorical road, but a series of connections and stops that bring people together and connect Ethereum with communities in specific parts of the world. During the last RTD, Road to Bogotá The event was created as an inspiring effort by the Latin American community, who came together to organize various events throughout the region. These efforts ultimately ETH Latin AmericaOne-day conferences in local languages, and chiba busa gorgeous stage Devcon VI.

Along the way, we discovered new leaders and north stars for our community. Each of them has contributed to the growth and resilience of the Ethereum ecosystem. It is these individuals who enrich the Ethereum community with their energy and culture.

we are Path to Devcon Grants The initiative can increase access and opportunities for people to learn about, participate in, and contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem. Through the RTD grant, we aim to create the conditions for the Ethereum community to thrive and expand across the SEA region.

RTD Grants: Your Opportunity to Plan Your Journey 👷

way to go Devcon 7 It’s an adventure waiting to unfold. To make this journey possible, we need builders, community managers, and communicators who are aligned with Ethereum values. Whether you want:

  • organizing community meetings;
  • Form a university club,
  • Conducting workshops,
  • Build a grassroots community,
  • Or start a local education initiative.

that much Path to Devcon Grants Round aims to provide support to those who are ready to build. If a creative, community-minded spirit is what drives you, we are here to support your efforts!

To learn more about eligibility criteria, application process and other details Visit the link here.

See you on the road to Devcon!

– Devcon Team 🦄

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