
Answers to the 3 most asked questions at Devcon4

your kind Devcon 4 Our planning team will answer three key questions for you.

1. When are the next tickets on sale?

Mark your calendar! We plan to release general admission tickets next time. Tuesday, August 7th 8:00 AM (PST). Anyone who applied for a discount or scholarship will hear back by then and can participate in the wave if they don’t qualify.

2. Where is Devcon4 held in Prague?

we are Prague Congress Center! Ticket holders are encouraged to stay tuned for information on discounted rates at nearby hotels.

3. How do I apply for a lecture at Devcon4?

In ~ We will officially begin recruiting participants on Monday, July 30th.. Think about the talks you want to present, the workshops you want to lead, and the breakout rooms you want to host! We’ll share more information about what this means on Monday. πŸ™‚

–dc⟠ıv Team

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