
Average 219% ROI: Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Instana Observability

What can your organization achieve with modern observation solutions? Data from a new Forrester Consulting study shows that composite organizations using the IBM Instana™ Observability platform achieved a 219% ROI over three years. Likewise, providing high-fidelity data to the right people at the right time has reduced problem resolution time by 90%.

About the study

IBM commissioned Forrester to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study by interviewing four customers about the value of their investment in IBM Instana. Clients shared that since deploying IBM Instana, their organization has been able to quickly find and resolve incidents, saving developers and operations teams valuable time.

Based on in-depth customer interviews, Forrester built a single composite organization that aggregates representatives’ experiences using the Instana platform. The composite organization Forrester identified was a global enterprise with 10,000 employees and $2 billion in annual revenue. We have 300 applications, half of which are from Instana, and are a mix of on-premises and cloud-based, monolithic and microservice-based.

Looking at composite organizations, we see many quantifiable benefits, including the following three-year financial impact:

  • Achieved ROI of 219%
  • Reduced time spent resolving issues by 90%.
  • Respond to incidents 75% faster
  • Reduce average repair time by 70%
  • Reduce revenue-impacting incidents by up to 60%
  • 40% improvement in operational efficiency

Learn more

Download the IBM Instana Observability Total Economic Impact Study to learn more or try Instana for yourself.

Read the Total Economic Impact™ study

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