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B-STOCK’s Joe Dube was selected as the 2025 “Pro to Know” of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

This recognition is respected to individuals who guide the supply chain strategy for competitive advantage.

San Mateo, California-Ne March 17, 2025- B-stock, The major B2B crew platforms and record systems for all resale are pleased to announce that Joe Dube, a mobile account director, was named the winner of the year of the year. This recognition, presented by Supply & Demand Chain Executive, respects excellent experts under 40 years of age. Helps to form a supply chain network through achievements, efforts and vision..

DUBE, a theme expert in the mobile secondary market space, has contributed to the growth of B-STOCK’s mobile vertical index since joining the company in 2018. Secondary market analysis, strategic advisory services and data support B2B resale strategies are provided to B-STOCK mobile customers. It can include sales-sales, including today’s major wireless carriers, OEMs and mobile cycle companies. device.

Most recently, DUBE played an important role in importing B-STOCK’s mobile insight Marketing and socializing with customers. B-STOCK’s Mobile Insights tool is the first market product that provides automated and easy ways to access and review depreciation data from the company’s wireless/mobile customer to access and review depreciation data in devices, current and future ASPs and device models. This tool uses AI and machine learning to scan hundreds of thousands of wireless transactions on B2B resale platforms in B-STOCK, then analyze in variables including categories, items and brands.

Dube said, “I am honored to be recognized as a 2025 PRO.It is evidence of the innovative data-oriented work conducted by the mobile secondary market and residental ecosystem. There is an opportunity to become a strategic partner of the OEM and become a strategic partner of a wireless company and an OEM that can expand the lifespan of tens of millions of advanced devices and ensure the maximum value. ”

“Many of today’s supply chain Pro Frost is more than just a leader in their own space. They are a pioneer of true change. The list of winners of this year has actually pushed the boundaries in every way. Food logistics and Supply and demand chain officer And co -founder Women in the supply chain forum.

B-STOCK is pleased to celebrate Joe Dube’s well-known recognition. Click to see the full list To The 2025 ProS of EXECUTIVE, a supply and demand chain, knows the winner.

B-stock information:

B-STOCK is the world’s largest B2B crew platform and is a record system for all resale. We connect the seller with the seller of the return, trade in and overstock inventory through the online resale channel product line. Our customers range from the world’s largest brand and retailer who want to manage the best residential sales in their class, to entrepreneurs who want to supply valuable products to resale business.

We believe that technology and access lead the healthy B2B resale ecosystem as hundreds of thousands of transactions are completed every year. B-STOCK provides buyers with simple and direct methods of purchasing valuable products directly from retailers, and promotes operational efficiency, recovery speed and period of time by providing technology-oriented replacements for traditional re-sale methods.

for Supply and demand chain officer

Supply and demand chain officer It is the only supply chain publication that deals with the entire supply chain, which focuses on truck transportation, warehouses, packaging, procurement, risk management, and professional development. Supply and demand chain officer And sister publications, Food logisticsIt also runs women at SCN Summit and Supply Pan Forum. Go To learn more.


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