base58 – Are the characters 0, O, I, l really not allowed in addresses?

Two different encodings are used for Bitcoin addresses.
The default Segwit address is encoded using Bech32(m) encoding. Bech32 uses 32 symbols. 023456789acdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz
To encode data, the mainnet Bitcoin native SegWit address uses the human-readable portion. bc
And the separator 1
. The prefix is different on the test network.
All previous addresses use Base58. Base58 uses the numbers 1 through 9 (except 0) and all uppercase and lowercase English letters except uppercase O, uppercase I, and lowercase l. 0
and O
furthermore I
and l
It’s easy to get confused with so many fonts. That leaves 58 symbols. _123456789ABCDEFGH_JKLMN_PQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk_mnopqrstuvwxyz
. (The omitted parts are included in the symbol lineup as follows: underscore When it is difficult to analyze the characters of the text in the context of the order.)