
Beneficiary Recruitment: December 2021 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

It’s always nice to hear about new grants being awarded. But what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll take a look at a few projects that are either well underway or have already reached the finish line. Read on to learn about our grantees’ recent milestones and achievements!

GAS Optimization Toolkit (GASOL)

that much Costa The group works on formal techniques, modeling and implementation related to verification and optimization of programs. member Albert Elvira, Pablo Gordillo and Albert Rubio is applying this expertise to Ethereum smart contracts using GASOL, a framework for optimizing gas consumption. Every Ethereum smart contract executes a series of EVM instructions called opcodes. GASOL’s “hyperoptimization” technology finds sequences that produce the same results as the original while consuming less gas.

The GASOL team received the grant in February 2021. Previous research and experiments Through Ethereum smart contract optimization. They already have prototypes for computing optimized EVM sequences for subsets of opcodes, especially stack operations. The goal of the grant is to expand the research prototype into a premier optimization toolkit for smart contract developers and ultimately make the optimizer integrateable with the Solidity compiler.

GASOL Super Optimizer version 0.1.3 and usage instructions are available at: Github. In its current version, GASOL can compute optimized sequences and generate corresponding executable bytecodes. Other features and achievements include:

  • Optimizations for memory and storage operations as well as stack operations
  • A test comparing the efficiency gains of GASOL and GASOL rate optimizerYou can also use GASOL with the Yul optimizer.
  • Create a log file to verify that the bytecode uploaded to Etherscan was generated by GASOL.
  • We extended the SMT model to define the ordering of memory accesses and functions to maintain the same memory state as the original.
  • Some components of the optimizer have been generalized to enable byte-size optimization criteria.

For those who want to dig into the technical details, the team published a report on: Stage 1 and Step 2 of the project. Follow GASOL Github To keep up with future releases!


Layer 2 scaling solution They have proliferated over the past year, promising benefits such as faster transactions, significant cost savings and enhanced privacy. Each L2 approach makes different trade-offs that affect security, decentralization, performance, and usability. For users, this means the freedom to decide what is most important and choose a solution that fits their needs. But staying informed about the ever-growing list of options can be overwhelming.

L2BEAT provides side-by-side comparisons of features, usage statistics, and potential risks of active L2 projects to help users make informed choices. The website team researches each protocol listed and reviews various data sources and project documentation to compile key information into one clear, accessible source.

When L2BEAT first received funding in spring 2021, its dashboard listed scaling technical and fixed value statistics for each of the 10 protocols. Since then, the site has grown significantly along with the L2 ecosystem. Today, visitors can switch between detailed financial data for 20 protocols and concisely explained technical risk factors, with pages dedicated to analysis of each protocol’s features and pros and cons.

In December, L2BEAT received a second grant to help grow its team, automate processes, and scale its efforts. Planned improvements include:

  • Building backend servers and databases powerful enough to handle the complexity of current and planned features.
  • Add more real-time metrics such as transaction volume, uptime, block creation, etc.
  • Added upgrade log to keep users informed of changes to protocols in use

Please confirm Follow us for more L2 information in the future. @L2beatcom on Twitter or join our community Dissension. Welcome to the team contribute!

Are you working on something that you think could change Ethereum for the better? Our grants page Find out more about what we look for in the projects we fund.

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