
Beneficiary Recruitment: March 2021 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

It’s always nice to hear about new grants being awarded. But what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll look at projects that are well underway or already at the finish line. Read on to learn about our grantees’ recent milestones and achievements!

base line

The Baseline project is defining protocols that enable businesses to synchronize their systems of record and reduce costly errors in B2B transactions. It uses the Ethereum mainnet as a common reference frame while using zero-knowledge proofs to keep confidential business logic and data private. The project is archived below. Ethereum Oasis. first Released In March 2020, a group of 15 teams, Baseline is currently overseen by representatives from over 30 companies and organizations. today v0.1.0Launched in August 2020, Baseline already offers a variety of tools for enterprise users, including:

Funds awarded to Baseline are allocated to: Recent Announcements reference protocol grant programBaseline’s governing body administers: open collective Supports ongoing research, development and adoption.

Follow Baseline’s progress on Twitter. @baselineprotoContribute Github Or join the conversation: Dissension, loosely and telegram.

Aztec for boom boom

The Aztec team is pioneering a new path in the zero-knowledge domain. boom boomEfficient and universal SNARK architecture and its successors turboplonk and Ultra Plonk. Aztec received a grant in August 2020 for work on PLONK and the Rust-based Noir language for programmable privacy within PLONK rollups. Aztec has recently achieved several key milestones with PLONK and Noir as its core elements:

There’s more in the Aztec pipeline. Follow our progress on Twitter. @aztecnetworkGithub Aztec Protocolor Dissension.

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