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Best Murugappa Group Stocks 2024

Best Murugappa Group Stocks 2024: The Indian economy is supported by many successful companies established by various groups across several industries. These companies have created value for customers, created employment opportunities, and contributed to national prosperity. In this article, we will look at the list of stocks and analyze the top 5 Murugappa Group stocks.

for Murugappa Group

Murugappa Group It started as a banking company in Burma (Myanmar) before World War I. Afterwards, he moved to India and established a base in the southern region. They are a large conglomerate engaged in a variety of businesses. It currently generates revenue of approximately INR 742 billion.

The group was founded by Dewan Bahadur AM Murugappa Chettiar who started a banking business called AMM Rm Firm. Later they diversified their business by entering textiles, rubber plantations, insurance, and stock broking. They expanded their presence to Malaysia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

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They entered India and expanded into various industries including Kumkang Paper, Steel Furniture, Financial Services, Agricultural Solutions, Engineering, and key industrial sectors.

Murugappa Group’s Top Stock #1: Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company

Top 5 Murugappa Group Stocks 2024 - Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Logo.Top 5 Murugappa Group Stocks 2024 - Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Logo.

Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Limited (Chola)is the financial services arm of the Murugappa Group, founded in 1978. Chola started as an equipment finance company and has grown into a full-service financial services provider offering auto finance, home loans, real estate loans, small business loans, secured business personal loans (SBPL) and consumer and small business loans (CSEL) to its customers. , and provides a variety of other financial services.

In FY23, CIFC earned 67.04% from vehicle finance, 16.42% from real estate loans, 6.92% from home loans and 9.61% from other sources. As of December 2023, the shareholding structure consisted of 50.37% of promoters, 24.73% of FIIs, 18.39% of DIIs, and 6.51% of the general public.

Operating profit increased by 34.66% to 130 million won. 12,884.10 crores in FY23, up from Rs. 10,140.75 crores in FY22. Net profit recorded 140 million won. 2664.85 crore in FY23 compared to Rs. It increased by 23.74% to 2,153.51 crore in FY23. RoE and RoA in FY23 were 18.57% and 2.34%, respectively.

Murugappa Group Top Stocks #2: Tube Investments in India

tube investment logo in indiatube investment logo in india

tube investment in india Established in 1949 as TI Cycles of India (TICI) in partnership with TI UK, Tube Investments of India (TII) evolved through successful joint ventures and downstream integrations. Formed in 1959 through the merger of TICI and India’s Tube Products, TII gradually moved into high-tech products. Over time, TII’s core business was strengthened through acquisitions such as Satavahana Chains, a Japanese tube mill, and a chain mill in Germany.

Now an Indian company with a global outlook, TII retains its engineering and metallurgical capabilities. In FY23, the company generated revenue from various segments, including mobility (5.40%), e-mobility (0.03%), engineering (28.48%), metal forming products (9.50%), and gears and gear products (2.94%). ), power (13.51%), industry (32.97%), and others (7.17%).

As of December 2023, the shareholding structure consisted of 45.10% promoters, 26.83% FIIs, 14.60% DIIs, and 11.47% general public. TII registered operating revenue in FY23 was Rs. 14,964.73 crore compared to Rs. It increased by 20.22% to ₹12,447.43 crore in FY22. Net profit for fiscal 2023 was ₹132.5 billion compared to ₹132.5 billion. It increased by 33.69% to ₹991.04 crore in FY22.

Net profit increased to 50 billion won with a slight improvement in material costs. 166.64 crore from discontinued operations. RoE and RoCE recorded 24.18% and 29.38%, respectively.

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Murugappa Group Top Stock #3: CG Power & Industrial Solutions

    CG Power & Industrial Solutions Logo    CG Power & Industrial Solutions Logo

CG power It was established in 1937 by merging two companies. The company has been engaged in the manufacture, sale and application of electrical energy in nine countries through 17 manufacturing facilities. Its products include transformers, switchgear, circuit breakers, network protection and control equipment, project engineering, HT and LT motors, drives, power automation products and turnkey solutions.

The portfolio is divided into three strategic business units (SBUs): industrial, power and rail. In FY23, Industrial Systems contributed 70.77% to revenue, Power Systems contributed 29.01% and Others contributed 0.23%. The overseas sales portion of sales is 90.03%, and the domestic sales portion is 9.96%.

As of December 2023, the shareholding structure consisted of 58.11% of promoters, 16.05% of FIIs, 9.16% of DIIs, and 16.68% of the general public. The company’s operating revenue in 2023 was 150 million won. 6,972.54 crore, up from Rs. It increased by 27.15% to ₹5,483.53 crore in FY22. Net profit increased by 5.46% to 3.3 billion won. 962.97 crore in FY23 from Rs. 9130.7 billion dollars in fiscal year 22.

The slight increase in net profit in FY23 was due to strengthened control of raw material costs and gains from sale of discontinued operations. RoE and RoCE recorded 53.76% and 52.25%, respectively.

Murugapa Group Top Stock #4: Coromandel International

Murugappa Group Top 5 Stocks for 2024 - Coromandel International LogoMurugappa Group Top 5 Stocks for 2024 - Coromandel International Logo

Coromandel International As India’s leading agricultural solutions provider, it has been providing customized agricultural solutions and advisory services to farmers since its inception in 1906 in Ranipet, Tamil Nadu. Its ‘farmer-first’ approach, focus on quality, and consumer connection initiatives have made the company one of America’s most trusted brands.

Coromandel provides plant nutrients and crop protection solutions, including fertilizers, crop protection agents, biopesticides, special nutrients, and organic fertilizers. Our network of approximately 750 rural retail outlets across Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka provides solutions for all stages of farming. We serve approximately 3 million farmers through our Gromor stores.

In FY23, the company earned revenue from segments including Nutrients and Other Related Businesses, which accounted for 91.15% of total revenue from operations and 8.84% from crop protection. As of December 2023, the shareholding structure consisted of 57.33% promoters, 7.71% FIIs, 20.25% DIIs, and 14.71% of the general public.

The company’s operating revenue in 2023 was 10 billion won. 29,627.90 crore, an increase from Rs. It increased by 55.03% to ₹19,110.85 crore in FY22. Net profit in fiscal 2023 increased 31.69% to 1.3 trillion won. 2,012.93 crore from Rs. 1,528.46 crore in FY22. RoE and RoCE recorded 25.45% and 34.79%.

Murugappa Group Top Stock #5: EID Parry (India)

    EID Parry (India) Logo    EID Parry (India) Logo

EID parry The company, which dates back to 1788, is headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and has six sugar mills and one distillery across southern India. It is also a global leader in organic spirulina and microalgae products, with a manufacturing plant in Tamil Nadu and sold in over 41 countries. Parry also has subsidiaries in the refined sugar and agricultural input industries.

In FY23, the company generated revenue from segments such as Nutrition & Allied Businesses (76.33%), Crop Protection (7.47%), Sugar (12.90%), Cogeneration (0.71%), Distilleries (1.82%), and Nutraceuticals (1.82%). I uploaded it. 0.73%). Some percentage changes are due to inter-segment sales.

As of December 2023, the shareholding structure consisted of promoters 42.23%, FII 8.71%, DII 4.92%, public 44.12%, and others 0.02%.

The operating revenue of the company was Rs. 35,243.80 crore in FY23 compared to Rs. It increased by 49.83% to 23,521.06 crore in FY22. Net profit recorded 140 million won. 1,827.74 crore in FY23 compared to Rs. It increased by 16.14% to ₹1,573.70 crore in FY22. RoE and RoCE recorded 15.57% and 27.71%, respectively.


Since we are at the end of the article, we have looked at some of the best Murugappa stocks for 2024. Please conduct extensive research on these companies before investing and seek advice from a financial consultant or conduct your own research.

These companies belonging to solid conglomerates appear to be on the rise. While some companies are stable, others are expanding into new sectors that can help grow the group as a whole. What do you think about the potential of these companies? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Written by Santosh

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