Binance to implement major API updates in September 2024

Darius Baru
Aug 6, 2024 07:32
Binance has announced important updates to its API, including request weight adjustments and websocket user data requests, effective September 3, 2024.
Binance, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced a significant update to its API that will take effect on September 3, 2024 at 06:00 UTC. According to Binance’s announcement, the update will include adjusting request weights and discontinuing certain WebSocket user data requests.
Major changes
The coming changes will primarily focus on two areas:
1. Request weight adjustment
Starting September 3, 2024, Binance will implement changes to the request weights for various API endpoints. The specifics of these changes were not detailed in the announcement, but users are encouraged to refer to the updated API documentation for full details.
2. Discontinue use of WebSocket user data requests
Additionally, multiple WebSocket user data requests will be deprecated starting September 3, 2024. Users are encouraged to migrate to the updated version endpoints to benefit from improved performance and functionality.
Recommended Actions
Binance has provided a new set of endpoints for its REST and WebSocket APIs to replace the deprecated APIs. Key updates include:
New endpoints for querying account information:
get /fapi/v1/symbol configuration: Query the user symbol configuration.
get /fapi/v1/account configuration: Query the user account configuration.
get /fapi/v3/account: substitute GET /fapi/v2/account. This endpoint only returns symbols that the user has positions or open orders for. The configuration-related fields have been removed and can now be queried from: GET /fapi/v1/symbol configuration and GET /fapi/v1/accountConfigV3 endpoints also provide better performance.
get /fapi/v3/balance: substitute GET /fapi/v2/balance. Query user account balance.
New endpoints for querying trade information:
get /fapi/v3/locationrisk: substitute GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk. This endpoint only returns symbols that the user has positions or open orders for. The configuration-related fields have been removed and can now be queried from: GET /fapi/v1/symbol configurationV3 endpoints also provide better performance.
WebSocket API
New endpoints for querying account information:
v2/account.status: substitute Account Status. This endpoint only returns symbols that the user has positions or open orders for. The configuration-related fields have been removed and can now be queried via GET. /fapi/v1/symbol configuration and GET /fapi/v1/accountConfigThe V2 endpoint also provides better performance.
v2/account.balance: substitute Account Balance. Query user account balance.
v2/account.location: substitute Account.Location. This endpoint only returns symbols that the user has positions or open orders for. The configuration-related fields have been removed and can now be queried from: GET /fapi/v1/symbol configurationThe V2 endpoint also provides better performance.
Binance emphasizes that users should refer to the original version of the announcement in English for the most accurate information. For further explanation and assistance, users can refer to the API documentation or contact Binance Customer Service.
This update is part of Binance’s ongoing efforts to improve its API services to provide users with better performance and more efficient data processing.
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