Bitcoin Core-How to move BTC from address using multiple UTXOs with no personal key for each UTXO

I completely control the testnet bitcoin address and have a personal key to my wallet. After performing 204 transactions in Testnet Faucet and accumulating a large number of UTXOS (Unspent Transaction Output), I want to move all BTC from this address to another address.
But the problem is that the Tatum API used to create a transaction scans the last 100 transactions to find UTXOS to be included in a new transaction. There are txhashes and values for utxos, but the address is put on top using the test net faucet. In other words, there is no personal key to UTXOS related to these transactions.
To send this fund to another address, I understand that you need to sign a private key and transaction that corresponds to UTXOS. Since there is no personal key of this UTXO, is there a way to move BTC without accessing individual UTXO’s personal keys?
As the number of inputs increases, the transaction cost will continue to increase to move this work in the future.
Is it because I tried to do everything at once, or are you missing something? What is the right way to move BTC in this situation with many inputs?