
Bitcoin Core – Stuck Between Unconfirmed Transactions and Empty Wallets

Initially, I set a low fee for one transaction and tried to cancel the transaction. I ran Bitcoin Core with -zapwallettxes and all transactions in Bitcoin Core disappeared. The mempool shows transactions that haven’t been confirmed yet, but I can’t cancel them in my wallet because they’re no longer in the list. I tried -bumpfee, but the answer is “The transaction is not in your wallet”. Now I really don’t know what to do. Transaction has not been confirmed. Fees cannot be paid and cancellations cannot be made. I would like to recover those Bitcoins and send them to a destination or send them back to the original wallet.

Txid: 9e43c1a702acec274d9d2fc727f4e4693f13eacaeb8a8edaec76d622e7771be2

Any suggestions?

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