
Bitcoin is a mirror that reveals everything

This article was published in Bitcoin Magazine. “The inscription problem”. click here To get an annual Bitcoin Magazine subscription.

As I was scrolling through my timeline, I came across a guy who told me that I had taken an orange pill a while back. He was into drugs and gambling at the time. He heard me preach about Bitcoin and fell in love with it with an almost religious passion.

Then, under the influence of a small dose of the Orange-Pill Truth, the sunlight of nature, the bitter reality, and the sweet high of the Orange Enlightenment, his life changed. He overcame his drug and gambling addictions and became a Bitcoin maximalist.

This makes perfect sense and speaks to Bitcoin’s bigger role in society than just being Perfect Money.

Here are the person’s tweets: Highlight the relevant parts and be sure to follow him.

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“Who gave me the orange pill? It was a combination of gambling, @maxkeiser and drugs. Let me explain.

At first it was a gamble. I was a professional online poker player. The US government took it away from me by banning it in 2011. Soon after, talk broke out on the 2+2 Poker forums about a new, uncensorable currency that could circumvent America’s gambling ban.

Enter @MaxKeiser circa 2013. He appeared on a podcast called London Reel when the price of Bitcoin I saw was only $100.

Max hit it out of the terrible park. He explained the case for Bitcoin in the most convincing way.

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Silk Road has brought a significant number of Bitcoin users on board.

The same goes for any new technology. Drugs, gambling and pornography are gateways to the future. For example, the early success of video cassettes was due to pornography. The same goes for early home computer adoption. As I recall, in the early 90s, France had Minitel, the world’s first large online portal before the United States took over the World Wide Web.

Minitel was launched in 1980. So what happened? Why didn’t France kill me with this? Another French idea that has withered away because capital markets are rotten cheese; There is no equivalent to NASDAQ.

However, Minitel achieved its initial growth through prostitution. I remember stickers on public phone booths with sex workers’ minitel numbers on them. The prostitutes of Rue Saint-Denis and Pigalle initially got their knickers twisted by the sudden influx of amateur competition, but quickly embraced the new technology.

There’s even a blatant story in the Bible about a naked Adam getting angry at a naked Eve holding an apple.

Flash Cut: Steve Jobs, his Apple smartphone, and the rise of the mobile internet.

Flash Cut: Pornhub takes up a huge percentage of internet traffic.

Now we have an unstoppable rise in energy-consuming AI and deepfake porn.

This is why Bitcoin’s hash rate is so high. Bitcoin is fighting AI and porn in the global scramble for energy.

See, the three major vices (gambling, drugs and pornography) are guaranteed to make money and they are all publicly traded companies with huge market capitalizations on global stock markets. A new app that mixes and matches faces and naked bodies is set to make a ton of money. Do you still fantasize about being a kindergarten teacher? Now, with AI, you can find old elementary school yearbook photos and embark on a mock tryst on a tricycle and a carton of $0.05 chocolate milk.

I think AI is the Devil Dog, RingDings, Twinkies, and Yodels of infant intimacy fantasies. We will eradicate the epidemic of INCELS. Perhaps it might even prevent mass shootings by frustrated incels altogether. Or so these idiots think.

In another corner is Bitcoin, the hero.

This is a war between AI and Bitcoin for energy dominance. This is why Bitcoin has a high hash rate. We must win the energy competition with AI and Pepper.

I believe we will win. We see our better selves reflected in Bitcoin and it inspires us to become better people. This is exactly what Satoshi wants.

Unless you were born irredeemably bad, in which case looking at Bitcoin’s protocol exposes your worst traits. Like Snow White, the witch who looks into the mirror and asks who is the most beautiful, and the mirror replies, “You are not.”

The witch goes crazy and tries to kill the charmer who wanders the forest in a tight skirt. This backfires on her and karma haunts her.

This is exactly what Bitcoin does. It’s about kicking people who are karmically misaligned.

The spirit of Bitcoin. The spirit of karma.

Bitcoin looks at us from a perfect, divine angle. It’s not a mirror image, but something deeper and sharper. It’s like a surgeon using a scalpel to dig into your soul.

A few years ago, Stacey and I were wandering through a museum in Mexico City. There was an exhibition going on in the Central Bank lobby, and I came across an installation that was probably the most jaw-droppingly best piece of art I’ve ever seen in a museum. Anyway, I personally had a revelation.

What I saw was a statue perched on a staircase leading down to the bottom.

The thing facing the doll was a mirror. The figures started at the top of the stairs, looked in one direction, and then descended or were pulled down, transforming into objects. Sometimes we do crazy things.

An ordinary figure on the top step might turn into a pineapple. You can wear an aardvark and change it into a bow tie.

What was happening? My interpretation is that while alive and after death we, the dolls on the stairs, become closer to being and know who we really are. Who have we really been? An endless action. Each of the 60,000 decisions we make every day continues even after birth.

Life’s journey begins and we become strangers to ourselves. Life goes on. We begin to know ourselves. This can be painful, so we adopt personas to hide who we are. But a persona is like a paint job that disappears. We wear different masks. We shed affection. We face life bravely as it is. But it’s still painful. We call it wisdom.

Then death. And the ego’s voyage continues. We are on a continuum. The illusion of life and death disappears. You waste your time existing there. We see the cyclical nature of things, the fractalization of everything.

William Blake gets it:

“To see the world in a single grain of sand

And heaven in the wild flowers,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And in an hour comes eternity.”

While TS Eliot generates some buzz:

“I will show you my fear with a handful of dust.”

Bitcoin is like this. This accelerates the self-awareness process for each individual to the point of Bitcoin Singularity. A collective social awakening comes right after.

You can be like William Blake and be perpetually optimistic, as Stacey Herbert said. Or you could be like the British and hand out drinks while swearing at Manchester United in a shire pub in the middle of nowhere. By the way, the British will never get Bitcoin.

In the case of Sam Bankman-Fried, Bitcoin has sped up his life of tacky and not-so-“glamorous” sexual harassment and financial crime, and an entire career of theft and self-deprecation in just a few years.

For those who are morally aligned with the universe, Bitcoin can provide a feeling of instant nirvana. Michael Saylor has spent a long career searching for Bitcoin to fulfill his dream of building a better future. And it happened.

The person on my timeline, the person I marked in orange, is walking down the stairs, looking in the mirror, becoming his or her true self. A process that continues even after life.

As the world goes up in flames, orange peeling is more important than ever.

We call it GIABO (Global Insurgency Against Banker Occupation).

It started with Occupy Wall Street and now in Argentina there is Javier Milei, a Bitcoin supporter, a follower of Hayek and a lover of the Austrian school of economics. This is the political backlash against central bankers we need, and GIABO is gaining ground. I saw a rally taking place at the Central Bank of Argentina during Millais’ inauguration ceremony. He is euthanizing it.

We are on the threshold of Renaissance 2.0.

This will start with Bitcoin.

Look in the mirror and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

This article was published in Bitcoin Magazine. “The inscription problem”. click here To get an annual Bitcoin Magazine subscription.

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