
Bitcoin Payment Processor BTCPay Server Debuts Origin Story Documentary in Poland

BTCPay Server, an open-source Bitcoin payment processor, will debut a feature-length documentary titled “My Trust in You is Broken” at the Bitcoin Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland, on April 19.

Directed by Parker Worthington, this documentary explores the beginnings of Bitcoin as a payment system and highlights the inspiring story of Nicolas Dorier, who founded and built the BTCPay server.

The story of “My Trust In You Is Broken” revolves around BitPay’s advocacy for SegWit2x during the block size war era of 2017, specifically SegWit2x, which allowed Bitcoin to increase its block size limit. Seeing this, Dorier was motivated to resist this centralized control and create a BTCPay server to allow merchants to receive Bitcoin directly on their own, promoting decentralization and independence from intermediaries.

This 42-minute documentary highlights the importance of transaction verification and the risks associated with blindly trusting third parties. It charts the journey of BTCPay Server since its founding in 2017, highlighting its evolution into a community-driven platform known for its privacy and autonomy features.

The film, which began production at the Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami, captures key moments and interviews with BTCPay contributors to provide a comprehensive look at the development of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange. “My Trust in You Has Been Broken” aims to serve as a testament to the continued development of Bitcoin and the importance of community-driven initiatives like BTCPay Server in shaping Bitcoin’s future.

More information about the Bitcoin Film Festival can be found on their website here.

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