
bitcoind – Node transfer from BTC to LND still not showing up in node wallet after almost 2 weeks?

I know this may or may not be a question to ask the Umbrel developers, but I sadly have to report to you that they rarely respond to any posts on the forums. Please help me with this situation if you can. We sent BTC from Bitfinex to Electrum Wallet on Windows PC. This was shown in Electrum’s history and then sent directly to the Lightning node (using Umbrel) via Tor (blue icon enabled), which we’ve done several times now, but this time, as you can see in the mempool, it’s been almost two weeks and has over 2,340 confirmations. Afterwards it still hasn’t arrived in our node BTC wallet.

Any ideas as to why it hasn’t reached our node’s wallet yet? But last Friday I sent a second BTC back to my Electrum wallet using Bitfinex, and it didn’t even show up in the node’s BTC wallet. Yes, it’s recognized in the Electrum wallet on your PC, but not in the node? We appreciate any assistance anyone can provide us in resolving this issue. 🙂
Oh by the way, no issues have been reported with the Electrum wallet.

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