Crypto Mining

Bitmain launches Antminer S21 at WDMS 2023


Bitmain, a leading mining hardware manufacturer, will unveil its cutting-edge Bitcoin miners at the upcoming World Digital Mining Summit 2023. The Summit will be held September 22-23 in Hong Kong, a city famous for digital mining. . Cryptocurrency mining enthusiasts around the world are very excited about this summit, expecting to get a glimpse of the innovative Bitcoin miner Bitmain Antminer S21.

Bitmain Antminer S21- What to Expect?

Bitmain announced that it will launch its new ultimate Bitcoin miner, the Antminer S21, at the World Digital Mining Summit 2023 in Hong Kong. The motivation of the summit is to encourage participants to leverage the mining environment and reap the full benefits of the expected bull market. So what can you expect from Antminer S21?

Bitmain, known for its proficient ASIC miners, ensures that Antminer S21 is one of the advanced Bitcoin miners with innovative technologies and latest features. Miners can expect their machines to deliver unparalleled hash rates and optimal performance. Similar to Bitmain’s previous launches, Antminer S9 with the highest computational efficiency of 100J/T and Antminer S19 with the highest computational efficiency of 20.8J/T, another feature of Bitmain is the Antminer S21 with the outstanding computational efficiency of 1X J/T . . Ultimately, Antminer S21 will be the first ASIC with exceptional computing efficiency of 1X J/T and energy efficiency of less than 20 J/T, reducing power consumption and improving mining performance. However, miners will have to wait and see for more details about Antminer S21.

What can we expect from Bitmain at this summit?

According to a Weixin report, Bitmain wants to provide excellent benefits to its loyal customers. customers will get

  • loyalty point system
  • exclusive offer

Bitmain’s customer loyalty points system allows customers to earn credits and use Antminer S21. Simply put, Bitmain has revolutionized the payment process by allowing customers to mine first and pay later. Participants can also exchange their loyalty points for Antminer S21 coupons to get exciting discounts and offers. here is Bitmain official tweet.

The tweet read: “First time breaking into 1X J/T!” Additionally, priority purchase is available only to event participants. Event ticket reservations are now open. Book directly on Bitmain.

Quick comparison of previous Antminer series

The table below shows the energy efficiency improvements of the Antminer series.

Antminers SXX Series ComparisonAntminers SXX Series Comparison

Hong Kong – the epicenter of fintech

The World Digital Mining Summit will be held in Hong Kong, a global fintech hub, this September. Hong Kong has always promoted blockchain and Web 3.0 technologies and is now a prominent blockchain and fintech hub in Asia. The region is technology-friendly with blockchain-supportive policies, attracting a pool of blockchain talent. In addition, Hong Kong local government officials are expected to participate in this committee to strengthen support for blockchain technology and innovation.


Technology continues to evolve with people’s evolving needs, and the cryptocurrency industry is no exception. Staying tuned to new trends and cutting-edge technologies can help miners stand out and make the most of the industry. Bitmain has always been a pioneer in applying innovative technologies and launching advanced mining hardware. While all blockchain and cryptocurrency mining experts are keeping an eye on Bitmain’s future announcements, miners will have to wait and watch to know more about Antminer S21.

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