
Blockchain Fork – Will the network transition to a new chain different from the genesis block?

The rule is to follow the strongest chain. That is, the chain containing the most operations is considered the chain that the entire network must follow (the chain of truth). If different new chains appear in several blocks (even 20/30, maybe even 100), this is not such a big deal. The network will transition to a new, more powerful chain. But what happens if a completely new chain starting from the genesis block appears with more computing power than the current chain? According to the rules, we must follow the strongest (new) chain, and any node that does not do so is considered invalid. But will the network actually transition to this new chain? It’s right to make the switch, but once it’s fully done, everyone will lose their money in Bitcoin, lose trust in the network, and there will be a complete collapse.

So switching to a stronger chain makes sense in theory, but is it done in practice?

I’m not asking for predictions about the future or for someone to tell me what would happen in a hypothetical scenario. But I assume that people who have been involved in Bitcoin for 5-10 years or more have thought about this. It took place in the Bitcoin community (conferences, forums, informal conversations, etc.). I expect that a conclusion will be drawn from these discussions.

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