
Calling all bug bounty hunters…

Hello, this is Yuta! As some of you may have read in my previous post, I’ve been busy recently preparing for a security audit ahead of the release of the Ethereum genesis block. Ethereum will be launched after a world-class review by experts in IT security, cryptography, and blockchain technology. Prior to launch, we will also complete our bug bounty program, a key cornerstone of our approach to achieving security.

The bug bounty program relies on the Ethereum community and all other motivated bug bounty hunters. Gustav will soon reveal the final details of the program currently in development. First look:

  • A total of 11 satoshi rewards.
  • A leaderboard listing the top contributors by total hunt score.
  • Other l33t ideas for rewards will be announced soon… I wonder if Genesis Block’s contract could be the perfect place to immortalize a Hall of Famer(:

Get ready to find flaws in protocols, Go implementations, and network code. For those looking for a distraction during the holidays, please note that protocols and code bases are still subject to change at this time. Please also note that rewards will only be awarded to submissions received after the bounty program was officially launched. Detailed submission guidelines, rules, and other information regarding the exact scope will be published soon.

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