Can I run Bitcoin Core (GUI) at the same time as Bitcoind?

I am in a very frustrating situation. I used to run Bitcoin Core on Windows without these issues, but since switching to Linux (XFCE) Bitcoin Core (GUI) starts automatically and hangs after about 5 minutes while I’m typing/working. An inexplicably annoying GUI box that says “Loading wallet…” Even though it runs it -min
Start by minimizing and don’t bother me. But anyway, it is.
This issue was so annoying that I had to remove Bitcoin Core from automatically starting. Instead, we will only open one if you actively need to transfer Bitcoin. But a new problem arises. When I finally opened up the blockchain it would be months out of date and I would have to synchronize it for a long time before I could use it. Additionally, you cannot use the RPC API if there is nothing running.
Instead, let’s start now. bitcoind
It runs in the background without a GUI at boot time and keeps the blockchain up to date.
But now a new problem has arisen. If you start Bitcoin Core (GUI) while bitcoind is running in the background, you’ll get an error saying it can’t obtain a lock on the blocks directory or something along those lines. Obviously this is because bitcoind is already working on the blocks directory.
You can “fix” this problem by first running a script that calls the RPC API with the “stop” command. This will safely terminate bitcoind (it is not safe to kill the process). You can then open Bitcoin Core (GUI) and use it.
But as you can imagine, this is far from an ideal situation. Now you have to remember not only to start the Bitcoin Core (GUI) program when needed, but also to kill bitcoind by finding and running its script first. Then, once you’re done with Bitcoin Core (GUI), you’ll need to quit it and start bitcoind again to get back to the same state you were in before. It just makes my skin crawl.
When I open Bitcoin Core (GUI), is there a hidden option that allows me to send it to be “linked” to an existing Bitcoin instead of running its own operation?