Catching a Big Goldfish – Analysis and Forecast – June 24, 2024

There are big moves in the gold market once a week.
We can expect to get most of the profits.
However, these are difficult to catch. Usually we get interrupted or lose timing.
In this video, I will show you how I configured the BFG9000.
To easily catch larger movements.
The basic configuration is designed to make short-term profits. If we sell and the price drops significantly, BFG profits, but it feels like we’re leaving a lot of money on the table.
Starting with version 1.20, you can now continue executing trades until the final profit target is reached.
You can ask BFG to continue trading as long as you only have one position open. If BFG needs to open a second position, we assume our large trade entry is not successful. The BFG then continues to manage the trade, usually with the goal of short-term profits.
I simply set the “First TP Factor” to a larger value, such as 5, and use the Executor whenever the price shows signs of a reversal during the H4 period.
Check out how it’s done in this video.
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