
CME launches Bitcoin trading for hedge funds and traders

According to a report by the Financial Times (FT), the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the world’s largest futures exchange, announced plans to offer spot Bitcoin trading on its platform.

The move will give major hedge funds and institutional traders a regulated venue to trade Bitcoin.

CME is already the global leader in Bitcoin futures trading. The addition of spot Bitcoin allows us to provide our customers with an integrated platform that includes both spot and derivatives markets.

This allows for complex trading strategies such as arbitrage and fundamentals trading that take advantage of the price difference between the two.

Currently, most spot Bitcoin transactions take place on overseas exchanges such as Binance. Offering a regulated alternative, CME targets institutional investors who require rigorous due diligence and compliance standards.

The exchange has reportedly been in talks with traders expressing strong interest in trading Bitcoin in a regulated environment.

The move comes as Wall Street ramps up its Bitcoin offering amid surging demand. Several companies are already providing access to Bitcoin ETFs, which were approved by the SEC earlier this year. CME differentiates itself by allowing sophisticated trading strategies beyond simple directional betting.

Click on the image for more details.

Institutional funds are more likely to use CME than platforms like Coinbase due to their existing relationships. Transparency and trust in CME’s decades of track record outweigh its lack of Bitcoin expertise.

CME can significantly increase Bitcoin exposure by leveraging the extraordinary demand of institutional clients, helping to satisfy the desire for a regulated and friendly path to Bitcoin access for hedge funds, family offices, pension funds and others.

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