
Could a 51% attack be triggered by any of these 7 strategies? (Are there even quantum computers?)

(I think this question will be blocked because it is not specific, so please help me fix it. Thank you)

(I will announce it. Fact (1) and fact (2) It will help me organize my thoughts before asking a question)

Fact (1): (The information below is common sense)

One of the possible attacks is: (Words reproduced from Blog Brain)

…the public key is exposed Even when a transaction is broadcast to the mempool. before It is added to the blockchain.

When an attacker can turn over signature If you obtain the associated private key during this period before the transaction is included in the chain, you can instead broadcast higher-fee transactions that send the coins to yourself.

fact (2): (This is where the difficult part of the question begins)

An investigative report on various attacks on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies describes seven attacks:

A. Denial-of-service Attack 
B. Double Spending Attack 
C. Sybil Attack 
D. Eclipse Attack 
E. Selfish mining Attack 
F. Fork after Withholding Attack 
G. Block Withholding Attack

I finally got to my question.

Decrypt SHA-256/ECDSA using a quantum computer.

(AG) Are there any other tricks to achieve 51% attacks throughout the strategy?

(I tried to find some not-so-widespread knowledge, such as:

Example 1: In an Eclipse attack, the victim’s IP address is blocked or redirected to a competitor. IPsec uses SHA. So I think it’s possible to find vulnerabilities this way, but I don’t know how it would work.

Example 2: This is documented in the paper Off-Path TCP Attacks with Mixed IPID Assignment.

“TCP-linked DoS attacks are particularly applicable to compromising applications protected with encrypted traffic, such as HTTPS and SSH.”.

I’ve been trying to guess what quantum attack on sha256 could attack Bitcoin, but I’m not a computer scientist so any information is welcome)

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