
create transactions, etc.

Please explain what procedures should be followed. bitcoin-cli / RPC wallet.

for example:

  1. Create a wallet
  2. Get a new address
  3. Send BTC: Want to create a transaction, sign a transaction, send a transaction, etc?

Create a wallet

Everything is more or less clear here. I use:

curl --data-binary '"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "createwallet", "params": "wallet_name":"WalletName", "avoid_reuse":true , "descriptors":true, "load_on_startup":true' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


bitcoin-cli -named createwallet wallet_name=descriptors avoid_reuse=true descriptors=true load_on_startup=true

Get a new address

Here we getnewaddressThe questions begin. derived address, then you will get multiple addresses. What does this address mean and how many can I receive?

From the documentation:

1. descriptor (string, required) The descriptor.
2. range (numeric or array, optional) If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in (begin,end) notation) to derive.

What is it end same? How do I know?

Send BTC

There are several ways:

You have received a transaction ID. What should I do after that? use Create a raw transactionThen Raw transactions signed with walletafter that sendrawtransaction? Or something else?

thank you

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