
Devcon: Heading to Colombia 2021

dear my friend,

In our most recent update, we explained what Devcon is and talked about our new focus on growing the Ethereum ecosystem. Part of that is making sure the next Devcon is everything we dreamed of and more for all types of attendees. For more information about these goals and more, Read the full post here.! Today we will cover site selection and timing, along with more details about what lies ahead this year and beyond.

🥁 Our Choice 🥁

Right away, we are excited and proud to announce that the next edition of Devcon will be held in 2021 at the beautiful Agora Bogota Convention Center in Bogotá, Colombia!

Deva of Colombia


We look forward to welcoming the entire ecosystem to Bogotá. It is the capital of Colombia and one of the most vibrant and popular cities in South America. Filled with culture, art, history, flavor, opportunity, and unique experiences, Bogota is the ideal city to host Devcon and the entire community!

In Colombia you will find a consistent, comfortable climate all year round and a variety of destinations to suit all tastes. There are also mountains, rivers and great cities like Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Bogota. It is a rare place, a country with a stable economy and rhythm running through its veins.


Oh, and what about the location? Agora Bogotá is a newly built, state-of-the-art center. until now, the best place to host Devcon. Located just minutes from Bogotá’s El Dorado International Airport and the Colombian capital’s historic Santa Fe and Candelaria districts, Agora offered a fully modern conference center in an ideal location, designed to handle catering, WiFi and meeting space. There are also other requirements for events like Devcon.


The preferences of the Ethereum ecosystem have clearly aligned around the strong demand for events in South America and the very reasonable request for a venue that can welcome and serve this large and growing gathering.

The search for Devcon 6 venues began before Devcon 5. There was an understanding that a longer period would create a smoother experience for all attendees. After listening to community feedback and extensively reviewing options and different elements from over 10 cities, we are confident that we have found a region and location in Bogotá that will achieve all the goals planned for this year’s Devcon. Moreover, we see serious potential to grow a significant community presence.

⏱ When, when, until then? ⏱

Here’s the plan:

1. Doing it right

This has been a trying year for all of us and many of you are eager to get back together. But we need to make sure that everyone in this community can complete the event correctly.

That means bigger and better than ever. We’ve taken the time to come together and grow our global ecosystem and many new local ecosystems across the Ethereum community, and that’s what we’re going to do.

Simply put, participation in DevCon should not be limited to a small number of travelers, nor should it depend on hopeful changes to collection limits. But our plans are underway. So, while the drumbeat gets a little louder at the end of next year, we will gather confidently.A confirmed date will be announced soon.

So what will happen in 2020? The correct answer is often the most obvious. decentralization.

2. Decentralization in 2020

We are proud to announce this. Devcon Team We remain firmly focused on delivering dc⟠vi in ​​2021. *EF’s larger mission to continue supporting ecosystem activities will also move forward. this fallAnd we will be lending our support to many people in our developing community.

Want to host something in your community, region, or online? Please let us know here Our team will contact you to find out more details.

We will help facilitate and potentially coordinate these efforts into something as unique as the times in which we live. In short, we hope to bring all of us together as different teams, regions, offices, and Ethereum users for a global, independent event this fall.

3. No insufficient measures

To be honest, we simply won’t provide the service. at least it’s bad When we choose an emergency or fallback option for the community and we just promise to do things right, we call it a “Devcon.”

Lockdowns are being lifted in many regions for the first time, but it will be some time before local leaders lift travel restrictions to the extent necessary for large, internationally attended events like Devcon. We also considered what was best for our many speakers, volunteers and attendees, who deserved to be able to make confident decisions before preparing for the long haul.

So rather than asking you all to wait with bated breath or delaying your plans by just a few months, we will be increasing our lead time and significantly scaling up the scale of our ongoing efforts around Devcon 6 in 2021. This can be done faithfully. Through ecosystem-focused events in 2020, we will go beyond simple virtual events and get closer to the roots of Ethereum.

Devcon means something to so many people in a very unique way, and we’re excited to be bringing this event to South America for the first time. This event represents many things to the different types of attendees who come together to attend.

This is a homecoming for many active participants in the Ethereum world. This is a big stage to present the latest groundbreaking ideas and achievements for developers shaping the present and future of Ethereum. And for all of us, Devcon is an opportunity to engage new faces, places, and entire communities.

In Bogotá, we have already crossed paths with numerous people and groups eager to meet more people in the Ethereum community and welcome Devcon for the first time. Here’s what we need to do to achieve the overarching goals of community growth and support set for Devcon. From builders to educational institutions, local business leaders, decision-makers and more, we are already meeting and collaborating with people in Bogotá, Colombia and South America to help put Ethereum technology into practice and evolve.

Devcon week is not just an event, it includes a variety of meetups, sub-conferences, and more highlighting the best of our ecosystem. Next year we look forward to adding regional developments, other events, integration with local businesses, and more.

more to come

With the additional lead time, we’re excited to build bigger and better than ever before, unveil a simpler process for attendees, and see even more integration with our local community.

In our next posts, we’ll go into more detail about event dates, cities, recommendations for accommodation and travel, applying for other 2020 events, the EF Scholars Program, and more. Until then, please keep posting at the following address. Thank you for your patience as we work to find the best path forward. See you soon!


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