
Devcon4 Announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog


Now that the year is in full swing, we know many of you are starting to plan ahead for the changing weather, holiday celebrations, and (of course) Devcon!

Today we are pleased to announce that Devcon4 will be held in Prague this year from October 30th to November 2nd.

The first iteration of this conference was held in Berlin in 2014 as a classroom-sized gathering called Devcon0. There, the first vision of what Ethereum would become was presented to core developers and founding team members.

Four years later, Devcon has become the most anticipated gathering for blockchain application and platform developers, and through it all, we’ve worked hard to stay true to our roots.

As the platform grew, Devcon expanded from a small first gathering to about 2,000 people at Devcon3 in Cancun. We expect this year’s event to be even bigger. Even though our roots may be deeper, Devcon’s purpose is still to serve the global community of Ethereum developers, designers, and ecosystem builders to come together, connect, learn, and share with one another. each other.

You can find information on how to get tickets, how to get involved as a presenter, and more in the coming weeks: But mark your calendars for now!

Thank you to everyone who makes this community great and we look forward to seeing you at the amazing dc⟠ıv in Prague this fall!


Prague, Czech Republic

October 30 – November 2, 2018

— Devcon Team

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