Devcon5 schedule, sponsors, and speakers are now online!

Devcon season has finally arrived. A few days from now, Devcon attendees from around the world will begin heading to Osaka, and as the final countdown approaches, we’ve created a massive online release:!
We invite everyone to come see our amazing Devcon speakers! We now welcome speakers, workshop and lightning talk participants, and other presenters from Devcon5 online. Overall, this year’s event will see the largest Devcon attendance ever!
Next, the Ethereum Foundation is pleased to announce this year’s Devcon sponsors and scholarship sponsors. There has been overwhelming support for the Ethereum community from leaders across the industry, and we are excited to have them join us. Come see the team at and at Hall C in Osaka (leave room for decorations in your suitcase)!
Lastly, we know that everyone has been eagerly awaiting the release of the Devcon5 schedule, and we are happy to say that today is that day!
This year’s schedule is available in a variety of formats. The official online release is available now at .
On-the-go schedules can be viewed through the Devcon mobile app, built by the Ackee team this year. Through the app, you can save your most anticipated talks to your personalized calendar, search and discover speakers by name, get real-time Devcon updates, connect with friends and share your schedule, and more! So options, lots of stories, wow. There are only a few days left until Devcon, so please keep us posted here. EF Blog and @EFDevcon Check out the latest news and updates and see you in Osaka!
Devcon Team