Diamond standard carats are now available worldwide.

Diamond Standard Co., Ltd., the world’s only developer of regulated and market-traded natural diamond products, has announced Carat, a fungible digital commodity currency issued by physical diamond standard coins and bars, now listed on Bitrue. Karat can be used for electronic payments and is exempt from most remittance and cryptocurrency regulations as it is ownership over deliverable goods. It is the first fungible commodity currency listed on Bitrue and is currently traded globally.
Carats™ are issued from physical, wirelessly audited products held by Brinks. Unlike stablecoins like Bitcoin or Tether, Karats are not issued by sponsors, computers, or out of thin air. As an electronic document of ownership, Karat is outside securities and cryptocurrency regulations, allowing platforms such as social networks and games to offer payment capabilities without a money transfer license. The value of a carat is based on the market price of the diamond product.
Users can transfer Karats anywhere using their mobile phones and sell them for local currency. Or, return enough carats for a diamond standard coin or bar to trade or have it shipped to you for the actual item without requesting permission and without fees. A carat is equivalent to an investment in a diamond standard product that can be traded on the blockchain.
“We are the only company in the world that produces and tokenizes diamonds that continue to function as fungible commodities,” said Cormac Kinney, founder and CEO of Diamond Standard Co. Our permissionless system allows any owner of a commodity to generate carats. And carats cannot exist without physical diamond coins being returned by smart contracts that allow owners to verify and audit their coins at any time.” He added:
Diamond Standard Raw Material Information
Diamonds are a $1.2 trillion natural resource previously inaccessible to investors, yet today thousands of investors own diamond standard products. see wall street journal (2) (three), Financial Times, CNBC, bloomberg (2) (three), forbes, CoinDesk (2) and more.
Diamond Standard Carat Information
One carat is ownership of 1/5000th of a diamond standard coin (current spot = $4,300) held by Brinks. One bar is equal to 10 coins, so each bar is worth 50,000 carats. Carats are still a commodity legally and tax-wise.
The reserve fund is autonomous. Anyone can deposit or withdraw Diamond Standard products without asking permission from the sponsor. that much Carat White Paper It was published today and users can purchase carats from: diamondstandard.co/carats or outside the United States bitrue.com.
No cryptocurrency means no money transfers.
When cryptocurrencies emerged, regulators classified them as electronic money. For platforms that support cryptocurrency trading, you must register as a fund sender. A global social network may require hundreds of licenses to enable transactions between users.
Carat uses a public blockchain and trades on cryptocurrency exchanges, but is not generated by sponsors or algorithms. These are issued and redeemable as individual physical goods.
Caret enables unique use cases
Carat is ideal for global social network integration and international money transfers between users without bank accounts but with mobile phones.
Elon Musk’s 34 U.S. states and over 200 jurisdictions worldwide. Because Karat is a commodity rather than money or cryptocurrency, it can be used for payments or value transfers on social networks such as X, as well as global gaming platforms, without the same licensing requirements.
About Diamond Standard
Diamond Standard uses computer science to optimize diamonds as a marketable asset.® This gives investors access to $1.2 trillion worth of natural resources. This is more than the world’s silver and platinum combined. This groundbreaking real-world asset can be efficiently traded as a vault receipt token, providing diversification, potential inflation protection, and a new store of wealth for institutional and individual investors, while also bringing transparency and efficiency to the diamond supply chain. How to Invest Wisely® Visit www.diamondstandard.co
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