Do you have a blockchain systems team to contact by phone for recovery funds?

On Mars 2024, we were contacted by the Recovering Blockchain team using eamil addresses such as or The team said I was the owner of 4.2 BTC worth of funds, equivalent to 261,224$ US. It sends me something called a wallet statement and a link to view the account on the blockchain website. It’s not a complete approach. To gain full access to this account, the Recovery Blockchain team will ask me to:
- First: Send 0.03 BTC to activate my account.
- Second: Please send us a copy of your driver’s license and a copy of your bank statement.
- Third transfer: 0.1 BTC 6 176,20 us $ transferred
Teams don’t show you all these steps on the first call. It was progressive. In the third step, a request was made to the blockchain security department. I send all documents and emails to this team. Blockchain Security said this was a scam and I should stop talking to this team. But the recovery team kept calling me using blockchain Lego and what appeared to be a real WhatsApp number from the UK. The team claims that it is not a scam but rather comes from a blockchain system. Run Spratley on your blockchain fiat wallet. They ask me to make a decision and if I stop the process they refund 0.03 BTC (the first step in the process) and the funds are closed. This team doesn’t have a website or a platform that I can ask for. At this point, I realized I was doing the right thing in the third step by consulting the blockchain security department. But I have some doubts. Is the blockchain system real and operating separately from the fiat wallet without a website or paltform? Does anyone here have a similar experience? Am I really the winner of 4.2 BTC or is it a scam?