
Does Wasabi allow importing Bitcoin Core wallets?

Does Wasabi allow importing Bitcoin Core wallets? – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

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Episode 29

I’m not familiar with this. My questions are:

I have a Bitcoin Core wallet (full node running on a Linux server). Is there a way to import the backup file wallet.dat or private key into Wasabi wallet?

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Wasabi Wallet primarily works with its own wallet format and does not import Bitcoin Core wallet files directly. To use Wasabi, you may need to send bitcoins from your Bitcoin Core wallet to your Wasabi wallet. It is important to always check Wasabi Wallet’s latest documentation or release notes to see if there are any updates or changes to wallet compatibility.

Here’s how it typically works when switching from a Bitcoin Core wallet to a Wasabi wallet:

  1. Export private key:

    You can export the private key associated with your address from your Bitcoin Core wallet. This is typically done through the wallet software’s interface or a command line tool.

  2. Import your private key into your Wasabi wallet:

    Once you have your private key, you can import it into your Wasabi wallet. Like many other Bitcoin wallets, Wasabi wallet offers the ability to import private keys.

  3. Access and Control:

    Once you import your private keys into Wasabi Wallet, you can access and control the Bitcoin associated with those keys within the Wasabi Wallet environment.

It is important to note several considerations:

  • Security: Handling private keys requires a high level of security. Follow best practices and keep your private keys safe from unauthorized access.

  • Transaction Fees: Transaction fees may apply when moving Bitcoin between wallets. Be aware of the fees associated with the process.

  • Backup: Always back up your private keys securely. If you lose access to your private keys, you may lose your Bitcoin.


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