
Donald Trump Urges America to Lead in Bitcoin

Former President Donald Trump is further strengthening his support for Bitcoin, arguing that the United States must take the lead in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies or risk being left behind. Trump has emerged as a vocal advocate for Bitcoin during his 2024 election campaign.

Trump accepted Bitcoin Lightning payments and became the first US president to oppose central bank digital currencies. On the campaign trail, he promised to keep regulators away from Bitcoin if elected.

Yesterday in Wisconsin, Trump further declared that he would “end Joe Biden’s cryptocurrency war” to secure America’s future. “We will ensure that the future of cryptocurrency and the future of Bitcoin is in the United States, or other countries will have it,” he said.

This means change. Trump has explicitly stated that he wants the United States to lead on Bitcoin. Otherwise your rivals will surpass it.

Trump’s acceptance of Bitcoin reflects Bitcoin’s game theory. As Bitcoin became too popular to ban, politicians realized they had to support it to attract Bitcoin-friendly voters.

If the United States avoids Bitcoin and cryptocurrency innovation, it risks falling behind in the technological and financial competition. Trump understands that America must lead in this important new arena.

Whether sincerely supportive or opportunistic, Trump is seizing the political capital of Bitcoin. He knows that supporting Bitcoin will win him votes, but attacking it risks alienating his passionate base.

Other countries are pursuing Bitcoin-friendly policies to grow their economies and attract talent. To remain competitive, the United States must become a welcoming hub for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency development.

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