
Dr. Craig Wright Proposes Settlement on COPA in Legal Standoff Over Bitcoin

Today, Dr Craig S Wright, who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto despite providing no concrete evidence, announced a settlement offer to Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) members and all other relevant parties. The letter, posted on Wright’s personal blog, outlines the terms of the proposed settlement.

Dr. Wright’s letter expresses his desire to reach settlements on several protracted legal standoffs he has initiated. The proposed settlement proposes to waive Wrights database rights and copyrights related to the BTC, BCH and ABC databases and “give the other party a perpetual, irrevocable license to jointly manage, operate and/or own such databases.” . It is important to note that Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized and decentralized ledger, meaning no one person or organization owns or controls the network.

“Obviously, unless he is Satoshi (in the case of COPA), “database rights and copyright” are not something he can license,” he said. WizSec Bitcoin Research. “Calvin and Craig probably think they are playing 5D chess by building this “proposal” based on such obviously false premises.”

Some of Wright’s conditions are that COPA must not create, copy, or fork Bitcoin. It is important to note that Craig Wright’s Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) is a fork of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), which is a fork of Bitcoin (BTC), the original and original cryptocurrency.

Wright also attempted to continue his position as Satoshi Nakamoto in his proposal, demanding that companies stop claiming to represent Bitcoin and publicly acknowledge why Bitcoin was created.

While it may seem reasonable to those who are not up to date on these trials from the Wrights, many Bitcoiners in the community who have participated in these case reports believe that Wright is “doing this to continue running scams under the name Satoshi.” ” , and make sure you don’t end up in jail for over 500 self-made counterfeits.”

“I’ve been following the COPA – Wright case pending in the UK, and in over 35 years of litigation, I’ve never seen anything like this level of document falsification in either party’s case,” he said. J Nicholas Gross Mastery of Berkeley IP Law. “At this point, I don’t understand how CW’s attorneys can continue to represent a party that clearly knew they were committing fraud in the court of law and are now complicit.”

The response of COPA members and other relevant parties will be pivotal in determining the direction of the dispute. COPA, an organization that advocates for patent inviolability in the cryptocurrency community, is faced with a decision whether to participate in settlement discussions or continue the legal fight. You have until 4pm on January 31st to review Dr. Wright’s proposal and accept or reject it.

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