Dynamic Services reaches 5% top circuit after ordering from West Bengal Govt.

In Wednesday, the company’s stocks were involved in providing mechanized cleaning, preservation, housing management, catering, security and human resources supply.

Price movement
With the market cap of RS. 172 CRORES, stock Dynamic services and security restrictions Press 5 % circuit in RS. 125.1 in NSE compared to the previous closing price of RS. 119.15.
What is the news?
According to the latest regulations with the NSE, Dynamic Services & Security Limited received the RS’s work order. West Bengal Power Development Corporation 3.74 cross.
The contract must be placed by 58 contract workers and one supervisor to provide services to various departments of STPS. The project begins on March 22, 2025 and ends on April 5, 2025.
Also read: Microcap Stock hits the 5% top circuit after GOVT imposes up to 35% and half steps.
Previous order
March 3: Bharat Battery MFG Co Private Limited, a subsidiary of Dynamic Services & Security Limited, has been ordered by RS. We supply 38.08 Larks of Southeast Railway, Northern Railway and Krishna Engineering, and all standard accessories, along with all standard accessories (110 volts/200 ah) with low maintenance.
The company’s operating income increased significantly, increasing 33 % year -on -year in RS. 55 crores of h1 FY24 ~ RS. 73 crores of h1 FY25. Similarly, net profit has increased in RS during the same period. RS. 7 crores shows impressive growth of about 75 %agent.
About the company
Dynamic Services & Security Limited is engaged in manpower distribution business for mechanized cleaning, catering, housekeeping, preservation service, security service, catering service, contract service, product and service supply, logistics and other related services.
It was written by SHIVANI SINGH

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