
Earn up to 28% APR* by staking DYM.

We are excited to announce that Kraken now supports Dymension (DYM) staking!

Staking and Funding

DYM trading and staking occurs in real time. Add DYM to your Kraken account by going to: fundingSelect an asset and tap deposit.

Stake DYM and receive up to 28% APR* From the Earns section of your Kraken Pro account or the Kraken Pro mobile app.

DYM staking on Kraken is gas-free. This means there are no network transaction fees for staking and unstaking or claiming and withdrawing staking rewards. Additionally, Kraken allows you to easily stake and unstake at any time with no lock-up period.

Bond Staking Range Annual interest rate of 15-35%
Flexible staking range Annual interest rate of 5-15%


  • An overview of eligibility criteria (including geographic restrictions) can be found here. If on-chain staking does not appear as an option on your account, you may not be eligible.
  • *APR or Annual Percentage Return – An estimated return on an investment that takes into account the effects of compound interest and is subject to change.
  • APR may vary between bonded staking options and flexible staking options. For more information, see On-Chain Staking Overview.

Here is additional information about the token:

Dimension (DYM) A blockchain network famous for RollApps. The blockchain focuses on the play-to-earn gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi) sectors and is managed by Dymension Hub. It improves data processing over a data availability network and provides a RollApp development kit for developers. The network operations and user reward system are based on the DYM token, initially distributed to the community through the Genesis Rolldrop, and form a key part of Dymension’s strategic growth in the blockchain sector.

Check out the Kraken Learning Center article How to Buy Dymension to get started!

Will Kraken have more assets available?

yes! However, our policy is not to disclose any details, including the assets we are considering, until shortly before launch. All of Kraken’s available tokens can be found here, and all future tokens will be announced on Kraken’s blog and social media profiles. Our Customer Engagement Specialists are unable to answer questions about what assets we may offer in the future.

These materials are provided for general information purposes only and are not investment advice or a recommendation or solicitation to buy, sell, stake or hold any cryptocurrency or to engage in any particular trading strategy. Kraken does not and will not seek to increase or decrease the price of any particular cryptocurrency it offers. Some cryptocurrency products and markets are unregulated and you may not be protected by government compensation and/or regulatory protection schemes. The unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market may result in loss of funds. Taxes may be levied on the appreciation and/or reporting of your cryptocurrency assets and you should seek independent advice regarding your tax position. Geographic restrictions may apply.

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