Electrum – WIF bit private key retrieval
Assume you have a Wif private key from Electrum 4.0.9.
L2pt3eVopnxfBBvMwrJV2saZeAyQfF77UQSH5WGj5q9LBS6WWBmN (one of these generated from the seed is of course not used)
Using that public key:
I’m using code from the book “Bitcoin Programming” and the way I generate the private key is to convert the bits in the secret phrase to:
secret = little_endian_to_int(hash256(b'dat_test_private_key'))
So I thought I should put the private key derived from L2pt3eVopnxfBBvMwrJV2saZeAyQfF77UQSH5WGj5q9LBS6WWBmN instead of “dat_test_private_key”.
You then take additional steps to obtain your private key here.
Then to get the public key:
public_key = print(private_key.point.address(testnet=False))
But no matter what I tried I don’t have the same public key as Electrum so I guess I must be using something. Otherwise, use a different WIF format or derive the public key.