EM Fund Stock Recommendations and Country Commentary (December 5, 2023)

Some excerpts from this post include:
A recent report with excellent, detailed tables listing various key technologies, leading countries for specific technologies, and the monopoly risks of those technologies.
Professional investors in Asia are increasingly shifting their fixed income asset allocation away from investment grade bonds and towards “corrupt angel” bonds.
Four Chinese stocks with progressive stock buyback policies.
This Asian manufacturer of a variety of household power cords and other types of connectors has a low P/E and a good dividend yield.
Port Operating Stocks in Frontier Markets It is also a growing industrial and automobile manufacturing hub.
More emerging or frontier market funds with good economic and/or portfolio commentary, etc.
In a recent podcast interview, a China expert was asked what Westerners get wrong about China. It was noted what characteristics this country actually has. Political centralization through extreme forms of economic decentralization Besides, how Chinese local government officials have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and The focus is on doing what is best for the county or region.. In other words: The sky is (still…) high and the emperor is (still…) far…
Also, it was mentioned how many there are. Chinese business models are world-class and are being imitated. For example, they used to be photocopiers, but now they are the people being copied.
Finally, links to some emerging or frontier markets funds have been added to this post template, specifying the date of their most recent documents (fact sheets and separate economic and/or portfolio commentary). Please note that many EM funds do not have an economic portfolio commentary, either alongside the fact sheet or separately.
Again, the links in this post will take you to the fund’s website, where you will likely see a pop-up stating your location and investor type (rather than going directly to the PDF file to see all the documents). .
As the fund takes time to update and publish the latest monthly or quarterly articles or new research materials, these posts may be bi-weekly, with other posts in between focusing on: Interesting podcast interviews and tweets (Especially ones with stock recommendations like the one included in this post) Although I still see too much crap in my Twitter feed (whereas YouTube, podcasts, etc are more manageable for finding things with good insight). …
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For additional disclaimers and an explanation of the reason for this post, please see: Disclaimer: EM fund stock recommendations and country commentary posts.
memo: Where possible, company links will direct you to the appropriate investor relations or company page. Region and country links are on the next page. ADR or ETF Pages with additional country-specific resources, such as links to local stock markets and media websites. Please report invalid links in the comments section.
🗄️ Funding Documents/Updates; ⚠️ Public or limited access available depending on your location, investor status, etc. 🎥 Video; 🎙️Podcast; 🎬 Webinars; 📰 Newspaper/Magazine Articles; 🗃️ Archived articles; 📯 Press Release; 🔬 Research analysis (including articles/blog posts by fund managers, etc.)
To access this report, full of charts and graphics, you’ll need to fill out a form.
🔬 Is the dollar’s status as a reserve currency at risk? (Refinitiv and Fathom Consulting)
Section 1 Explain what it means to have reserve currency status and outline how the United States benefits from it. Section 2 We examine how domestic factors can affect the international position of the dollar. This highlights the uncertainty posed by the debt ceiling (evidenced once again this year), the erosion of value due to post-pandemic inflation surges, and the threat of use and use of dollars and dollar-denominated assets for geopolitical purposes. . Section 3 We then discuss the progress of other currencies and ask whether they present a credible threat to the dollar’s position in the medium term. Section 4 Draw a conclusion.
This podcast discussion provides a good overview of EM in 2024.
🎙️ Outerblue Talks – What awaits emerging markets in 2024? (Amundi) 26:49 (November 2023)
Swaha Pattanaik spoke to Vincent Mortier, Amundi’s Group Chief Investment Officer, and Yerlan Syzdykov, Amundi’s Global Head of Emerging Markets, to find out what’s in store and why 2024 is expected to be the year of two halves for emerging markets. Find out. They discuss what the forecast means for emerging market equities, hard and local currency bonds, and FX. They take a closer look at the outlook for the Asian superpowers of China and India and consider which regions and countries stand to gain or lose amid growing global fragmentation and the critical challenge of the energy transition.
🔬 Emerging market outlook to 2024 (Amundi) November 2023
Emerging economies may struggle in a difficult global environment, but structural factors are nevertheless developing that may benefit some of their peers.