
ENS is considering a $300,000 settlement in the lawsuit.

ENS Labs has shared a $300,000 settlement offer from Manifold Finance to resolve a dispute over the domain name with the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that manages the platform.

The proposed settlement includes confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions, according to the Feb. 13 motion.

The legal dispute began in August 2022 after a domain critical for Ethereum network users to access the ENS name via web browsers was unexpectedly sold and subsequently auctioned.


The heart of the dispute dates back to the unexpected transfer and auction of the domain, an essential resource for the Ethereum community to access Ethereum Name Service (ENS) names through web browsers.

Domains originally under the control of ENS Labs were inadvertently sold, leading to complex legal challenges led by ENS Labs to regain control.

The matter was temporarily resolved by a preliminary injunction from a federal district court in Phoenix, Arizona, ordering the domains to be returned to ENS Labs. However, a broader legal battle ensued, with significant financial and operational implications for all parties involved.

ENS Labs, which has incurred legal costs of about $750,000, is now seeking guidance on how to proceed from the DAO, which took full control two months ago.


Options presented by the DAO include accepting the settlement offer, negotiating a compromise, continuing litigation, or dismissing the case.

The DAO is considering whether to accept the settlement offer, engage in further negotiations for a potentially different outcome, continue litigation, or dismiss the case at the risk of losing the domain.

The proposed settlement sparked debate within the ENS community, with members expressing varying perspectives on the best course of action.

Some advocate accepting the settlement to avoid additional legal costs and secure the future of your domain. Meanwhile, others suggest continued litigation, seeking to highlight the domain’s importance to the Ethereum community and set a precedent for similar disputes in the future.

In addition to determining a course of action regarding the settlement, the ENS community is also considering a vote to reimburse ENS Labs for legal costs incurred during this dispute.

This aspect of the case illustrates the significant financial damage legal battles can have on entities operating in the blockchain space, and highlights the importance of effective dispute resolution mechanisms and community support in resolving these issues.

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