
Establishing a strategy to integrate unstoppable domains and Web3 domains into the existing Internet

Unstoppable Domains unveiled its groundbreaking strategy today. This strategy aims to bridge the gap between Web3 top-level domains (TLDs) and the existing Web2 environment by working with partners to register brand TLDs with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on behalf of brands.

This initiative will enable blockchain-based domains like Vitalik.eth to be indexed and searchable in major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo, as well as resolvable in traditional DNS.

This integration is expected to provide significant growth potential for the following NFT brands: chunky penguin, including companies with a market capitalization exceeding $640 million TVL, as well as traditional companies and cities looking to take advantage of these developments. Recent developments include the City of Austin launching its own Web3 domain.

With significant advancements, UD has successfully 10th branded Web3 domain, .pudgyCelebrating pivotal moments in the company’s journey.

The release of .pudgy sets the stage for UD and the Pudgy Penguins to begin a strategic partnership aimed at registering .pudgy as an ICANN registered generic top-level domain (gTLD). If successful, .pudgy will join the ranks of respected legacy addresses such as .com, .net, .org, etc. in the traditional Web2 space.

“We are very excited to be working with Pudgy on this ambitious venture. Our alliance is ready to test and provide low-cost solutions that pave the way for future ICANN registrations,” Sandy Carter, Chief Operating Officer of Unstoppable Domains, said in a statement shared with AlexaBlockchain.

This strategic move marks a joint effort to integrate Web3 domains into the Web2 ecosystem to provide a seamless and cost-effective naming solution.

As UD continues to lead the way in leveraging blockchain technology to empower users and brands to take control of their digital identities, our partnership with Pudgy Penguins demonstrates our shared commitment to innovation in the digital space.

“Our combined efforts highlight our commitment to a user-centric web. We eagerly look forward to working with ICANN to realize our shared vision,” said Lorenzo Netz, Pudgy Penguins President and CTO.

The proposed strategy for the .pudgy gTLD is just the beginning of a transformative journey. More Web3 domains are likely to receive Web2 domains, allowing users, brands, and companies to enjoy the synergies between the two worlds.

This strategic collaboration sets the stage for a new era of digital innovation where the power of the Web3 domain merges with the traditional Internet environment, opening up endless possibilities for online presence and identity management.

Also Read: ‘.com’ Meets Cryptocurrency: Unstoppable Domain Pioneers Web2-Web3 Convergence

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