eth2 quick update number 18

Oh you, Spadina, Finally, finality Hello and farewell
- Quick Spadina post-mortem
- New testnet: Sync. launching pad It’s live; Genesis deposit is just one week away!
Spadina post-mortem
The Spadina testnet dress rehearsal began last Tuesday. Spadina is now healthy and on the cusp of finishing, but the launch hasn’t gone as smoothly as it once did. Validator participation started out very low, and it took ~70 epochs (nearly 8 hours) to reach the 2/3 participation threshold needed for the chain to complete. But since then the chain has actually been surprisingly stable.
Initially, we thought that this lack of initial finality was due to the fact that validators are only staking testnet ETH, so there is no real impediment to not turning on nodes in time for the occurrence. However, although this was part of the problem, it soon became clear that there were some errors near the edge of the stack with regard to client release and configuration.
A note on client diversity – Spadina places a heavy emphasis on Prysm clients. Important peering issues In Genesis. At this point many Powerful eth2 client. As we achieve better deployment on the mainnet, the overall impact of a single client issue on network health will be much smaller, as we saw with Spadina.
If low initial engagement was the problem, there would be no need for another dry run, but since many users were experiencing serious problems getting their nodes up and running, we decided to take another crack at it before the deposit contract went live. The mainnet creation date is set. sink input.
announce the sinking
Zinken is another eth2 testnet launch to give client teams a chance to work out any issues with the release process and to give validators a chance to experience a more seamless creation before mainnet.
Optimally, Zinken has a stable, final finish. However, the most important signal we are looking for is that users have minimal problems configuring nodes and joining the network. Much of this depends on the client team putting out a solid release, but we also ask our users to take this birth seriously.
This means making deposits only for the validators you want to run, and if possible, keeping an eye out for any discrepancies between ethstaker and client teams for the full 24 hours leading up to them. There is always a small chance that you will need to perform a last minute configuration change or node upgrade.
Important details:
- that much Sinking Launchpad live today.
- Genesis deposit deadlines are as follows: Thursday, October 8, 12 UTC.
- Creation time is estimated to be approximately: Monday, October 12, 12 UTC.
please refer to this The deadline for Genesis deposits is 4 days before launch.. If you make a subsequent deposit, the validator will not be activated immediately. Instead, as the chain begins to finalize, it is queued and slowly incorporated into the set of validators.
Like Spadina, Zinken’s main goal is to practice the creation process. This means that the testnet may run for longer, but the client team and ecosystem tools will only provide support for a few days.
if this is yours first Check out the eth2 testnet. EthStaker Discord For tips and discussion. From there, you can select a client and enter a client-specific Discord.
Happy testnet 🚀