Ethereum Builder: Proposed Experiment

Hello, Etherians. is it so Mihai Alisione of Ethereum founderAnd for the past year, I have served as Vice President of the Ethereum Foundation and Director of Ethereum Switzerland.
In the early stages of the project, we focused on the community aspect. holon idea For distributed physical infrastructure. Over the past few months, I have been thinking about what the next project steps should be and how we can create favorable conditions for a thriving community and smart contract ecosystem.
In this post I will propose an experiment for the Ethereum community. That means getting back to what I wanted to work on at the beginning of the project. The main idea of this experiment is to create a self-organizing knowledge sharing network with potential impact on a variety of different domains. We’ll look at some use cases at the end of the article. However, it is intended to provide a starting point for this exploration. ~ no To put it in a box.
I hope the ideas presented can spark some interesting conversations, and who knows, you might even come up with some cool projects in the near future 🙂
Ethereum project conversion(s)
Liberty is a fast-growing plant once it begins to take root.
—George Washington
Like any successful idea, the Ethereum project went through several transformations to become what it is today. Growth has been achieved in a variety of ways while available resources have been focused on strategic areas.
Initially, there was a big focus on legitimate hacking and building the infrastructure needed to make Genesis sales happen. As we navigated the legal issues and reached a point where we felt comfortable with our setup, the focus shifted to the security and monitoring of the entire Genesis Sale operation.
Before flipping the Genesis Sale switch, we conducted an in-depth security audit and created a full DDoS protection strategy with multiple layers and courses of action. As expected, as the Genesis sale came to a close, the focus shifted primarily to platform development.
After months of intensive development, the focus now shifts to the immediate Genesis release, ironing out any rough edges and auditing the software to find any undiscovered security flaws.
Soon we will launch Ethereum and all our attention will be on monitoring how Ethereum performs “in the wild”. Now the question is what happens? ~ after “Over there”? What are the next steps in the project and what should we do? now To prepare for it?
The training aspect is considered very important by everyone on the project, both in the short and long term. Especially since one of the points of this platform is to create a rich ecosystem of DAPPs, DAOs, and other smart contracts. .
Everyone agrees that for the ecosystem to thrive, we need to create favorable conditions for curious developers to play and experiment with Ethereum. This also means providing the right tools, resources, and tutorials. That means making it as easy as possible for interested people to learn, collaborate, and share knowledge.
Proposed Experiment: Ethereum Builders
“In times of change, learners will inherit the Earth, and those who have learned will be well-equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
—Eric Hopper
While exploring the basic ideas of educational portals (e.g. Code Academy) and studying the effectiveness of different approaches, I I started studying by chance About students taking online courses.
According to the study, students in large-scale open online courses tend to take a passive approach to learning, avoid collaborating with others, and pursue grades alone, which prevents them from retaining new knowledge. Initially, students were motivated to acquire new skills, but as they progressed through the course, their focus shifted to grades and course completion.
These somewhat disappointing results led the researchers to suggest that when planning online courses, providers should develop engaging coursework that: need Instant peer interaction and utilization of new knowledge.
This got me thinking that finding new approaches to education and collaboration on something as fundamentally new as Ethereum could be the key to unlocking the potential that exists in the established Ethereum community.
After experimenting with several approaches, the idea for the Ethereum Builders project began to take shape.
As a project it consists of several components, but in this post I will focus only on the educational area.
In its current form it was conceived as follows:
By combining the open-source pro-interface of screen sharing with Bitcoin, we are demonstrating how the Ethereum open-source, knowledge-sharing economy can self-organize, self-maintain, and deploy towards the edge with virtually zero cost and maximum impact. Create . Special thanks. Linda From Code Buddies who hacked this together Aurel Iancu For your valuable help.
Google Hangouts with screen sharing, for lack of a better option. interactive media For Ethereum sessions. The web interface is an open source pro system, in this case Peer-to-Peer (P2P) self-organizing knowledge sharing network. Bitcoin (and soon ETH) can serve as a tip/donation mechanism for course/hackathon organizers, a token of appreciation for valuable shared knowledge. If the session is of good quality, you can also record your screen share hangout and use it for video tutorials and other educational content quite easily.
For documentation and guides, GitBook seems like an interesting option. This allows you to pull content directly from wiki pages in various repositories (e.g. Ethereum wiki, cpp wiki, go wiki, etc.) and display it in a nice web UI or eBook format. When you pull content from a wiki, GitBook is automatically updated whenever the document is updated. Overall, this seems like a good fit for what we need right now, as documentation is evolving at a very fast pace in the Ethereum world.
You can see the initial guide we hacked together here.
As for badges and reputation, we will currently be tracking organized sessions and community contributions in a spreadsheet. Once the Ethereum network is live, we plan to transfer the contributions and reputation earned to the identity of the user’s choice. This will make the next task easier.
- Get recognition for what you learn
- To receive or be recognized for what you teach
- Check your skills
- Display and use badges throughout the Etherwebz.
Again, this is just an experiment and we’ll be experimenting with some of these features over the next few weeks to see what works and what doesn’t. So if something doesn’t work as expected, please be patient and report it to us. open a problem.
If well-received by the community, Ethereum Builders could be deployed in several ways.
- Multilingual Ethereum learning/hacking sessions for localized learning
- Transition to DAPP (Proof of Concept in the works)
- Crowdfunding module for projects, hackathons and workshops
- Ethereum reputation system for code whisperers, participants, builders, and more
- Asynchronous, self-organized global hackathons, breakathons and workshops
- Community DA Secretariat
- ______________ Insert your great idea here
Fractal of Knowledge Sharing and Open Collaboration
You will be remembered for two things: the problems you solved and the problems you created.
—Mike Murdoch
In its current form, is an open tool that allows the Ethereum community to coordinate, collaborate, and share knowledge. Users are likely to discover new ways to use it for things we haven’t figured out yet.
That said, I’d like to look at a few use cases to give you a starting point on this journey.
Take a look at some use cases:
- Connecting Ethereum Builders to Each Other
think about convulsion, but in the case of the Ethereum hack. Instead of watching other people play games, you can watch people create cool things on Ethereum and gain new skills and knowledge in the process.
There are a variety of interactions you can explore, from learning how to install the Ethereum client on your computer to creating and demonstrating your first DAPP.
- Connect your Ethereum builder with your knowledge repository
Keep your information organized and easily accessible. Currently, the Ethereum knowledge base is split into various repository wikis, forums, and blog posts. As an alternative to this madness, I propose GitBook as a tool to organize information and make it accessible in web, PDF, mobi and epub formats.
- Decentralized Hackathons and Breakathons
We have been dreaming of organizing a decentralized global hackathon for some time. Now we have a way to do it. Not only can you organize your event, but at the same time you can broadcast it live on YouTube thanks to the Hangouts on Air feature. If you are interested in participating in or sponsoring an event like this, please contact us.
Breakathon is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of building something, you try to break something. In our case, we are talking about testing Ethereum and seeing if anyone can break it. Instead of being punished, those who can break things will be rewarded. Because thanks to their efforts, Ethereum becomes stronger. You can think of it as a crowd security audit with prizes 🙂
- Decentralized Collaboration Sessions: The Rise of Temporary Organizations
In addition to organizing hackathons, Hangouts can also be used as a global co-working space. You might think that there is a place where you can go and work together with other people from all over the world to create cool things on Ethereum. Energy builds when we work together.
- Blockchain Research Session: Connecting Academia
Take advantage of available channels to reach people interested in studying the possibilities and challenges of blockchain technology. Make it simple for these people to coordinate and exchange ideas in a highly interactive format. The rest is up to them.
- Ethereum project updates
In addition to blogging, this can serve as an interactive communication channel with the community and developers gathered around the project. These are not mutually exclusive tools, but rather complement each other.
- Ethereum Meeting Sync
Physically – With’s decision to charge meeting hosts based on group size, some have already started looking for replacements.
Online – Designed to eliminate bottlenecks such as using “X” to organize a meeting call in a private Skype room with only a few selected members. Open your doors and allow your community and its members to interact, get to know each other, and sync. Think of it as a meta layer that allows local communities to become part of larger communities (continental, global, etc.) in addition to physical gatherings.
Now, if we tie all these ideas together, here’s what it looks like now:
*Some of the sessions above are examples only.
Feedback and help is welcome
If you find this experiment interesting, have questions, or would like to help, you can check out the actual experiment here: or Join the chat To the jitter. If you find a bug or something not working properly Please open an issue If you want to contribute code or create a bounty for a specific feature Please stop by our repo ^_^
The experiment has begun!