
Ethereum Community and Adoption Update – Week 1

hello. My name is Stephan Tual, and I have been in charge of Ethereum introduction and education as CCO since January. I also lead our UK. ÐΞV Our hub is located in Co-Work, Putney (south-west London).

I am truly honored to lead our communications strategy efforts at ÐΞV. For the first time, we are seeing the mainstream public truly interested in the potential of decentralization. The feeling of excitement about ‘what could be’ when I first read Vitalik’s white paper that fateful Christmas afternoon is now shared by hundreds of thousands of technology professionals, developers and entrepreneurs.

Thanks to Ether sales, a group of smart, hard-working individuals can now work full-time on solving key technology and adoption challenges and deliver solutions 10x faster than equivalent garage-based schemes. Through Ethereums’ API supporting Gav’s vision web 3, finally, building decentralized applications without intermediaries is in the hands of the community. By democratizing access to programmable blockchain technology, Ethereum empowers software developers and entrepreneurs to significantly impact not only the decentralization of the economy, but also social structures, voting mechanisms, and more. This is a very ambitious project, ÐΞV I feel a strong sense of duty to make this vision a reality.

Technology is of course key to our efforts, but so is adoption. Ethereum without dapps (decentralized apps) will be similar to a video game console without launch titles, and like other protocols, we expect applications to be the real stars of the show. Here’s how we plan to publicize and support developers’ efforts:


Curriculum construction: We are building an extensive curriculum suitable for both teachers and self-taught people at home, at hackathons, and at universities around the world. Consisting of well-defined modules that progress in complexity over time, our goal is to establish a learning standard that is completely free and 100% open source.

Content Aggregation: Currently we know that information on how to ‘get into’ Ethereum is a bit fragmented between forums and forums. wiki and various third party sites. Subdomains of our website will be created over the next few months to make this valuable information easily accessible in one place.

Create tutorials, videos and articles: Tutorials are key to learning a new language and toolset. By producing both video and text-based tutorials, we aim to provide the community with an insider’s view of best practices, from structuring contract storage to leveraging new features. whisper For example, peer-to-peer messaging systems.

Sites like Code Academy: Not everyone likes learning in a classroom environment, and some feel constrained by linear tutorials. With a launch date coinciding with the launch of Ethereum, we are working with a US-based company to build a CodeAcademy-like site within a gamified environment. Backend contract.

university branch:Vitalik and I recently gave a presentation at the University of Cambridge and Ethereum Hackathon on Transparency November 26 at the University of Geneva. Driven by the passion we see in academia, we are committed to directly supporting: Oxbridge BlockTech Network (OBN) is seeking to establish a network of branches, first within the UK and then across Europe.

We are pleased to announce that Ken Kappler has joined our UK team to help with these training efforts. Many of you in London know Ken. Ken has been a semi-permanent participant in all of our meetups and hackathons, kindly helping behind the scenes. Ken known as BlueChain IRCHe is also the writer behind it. It will soon be integrated with our training site.

Ken will be hosting weekly ‘Ethereum Clinics’ on IRC to answer any questions you may have about the current project. Times are posted with us. forum.


Encourage the creation of new groups: Now we have an extensive network. 85 meetings While this is a remarkable achievement, it is not enough to address the overwhelming demand for regular catch-up in a format suited to local needs and culture. We plan to encourage the creation of new gatherings in virtually every country and major urban hub.

Tooling and Support: To drive efforts to create and sustain these large-scale international meetup networks, we will provide tools for meetup leaders to interact with each other, access and exchange with the core development team for video conferencing or physical engagement. Information about the speaker. Of course, these tools are free to use and access.

Collateral and Location: For the most active meetups, Ethereum will consider the use of small scholarships where appropriate, so that meetup leaders in these ‘core areas’ do not have to bear the full cost of collateral and venue. We will also work with partners to help gatherings secure sponsorships and access free venues to host mini-conferences.

Global Hackathon: Starting this week, the Ethereum Workshop will gradually transform into a full-fledged hackathon. We’re working with awesome venues around the world to organize global hackathons with great ETH prizes awarded for the best dapps, many of which started as Ethereum meetups.

We are so lucky to welcome you. Anthony D’Onofrio It’s about driving these very important initiatives forward. Anthony will be covering North America from a community perspective starting on the 10th of this month. You probably already know him by his handle ‘Texture’ on most forums and channels.

I am very proud that Ethereum has been exposed to the community completely organically from the beginning. This was the result of a large-scale, time-consuming effort to identify real Ethereum projects and contact them directly to build a strong relationship with their user base. We’ve reached several major milestones, including over 10,000 followers. TwitterWe get 100,000 monthly page views on our website, and similar numbers on our website as well. forum The growth trend continues to accelerate.

Historically, Ethereum has never used PR as a tool to increase adoption, instead promoting it through word of mouth, meetups, and conferences. With media interest growing rapidly, we are delighted to welcome Freya Stevens to her team as Head of Public Relations/Marketing. Freya will help you build a shared database of media leads, write articles, and identify compelling story angles while making complex technology palatable to the general public. Freya is headquartered in Cambridge, England.

We are also proud to have George Hallam join the AKA team to expand these initiatives. high five ghostHe recently posted: inspection This lets Ethereum know how well we are doing our job as custodians and developers of the platform. George is a key supporter. london communityThis will already be familiar to many people.

We expect to see more interactions as part of this effort. reddit, IRCdiscuss and of course our own forum. George will also help us identify key Ethereum-based projects and reach out to them to see how he can best help inform, connect, and include them by guesting on weekly video updates filmed at Putney Studio.

We’d also like to welcome Ian Meikle to our London hub to produce very high quality content. Ian is the creator of most of the video material you see related to Ethereum. video loop This has been a staple in many Ethereum meetups. Ian utilizes the studio’s equipment to create explainer videos, interview key players in the space, and Vinay GuptaJoined the coms team as a strategy consultant.

London, and beyond Panels, Social and HackathonsRegular ‘Show and Tell’ events are planned for dapp developers to present their work and receive feedback, and the plan is to promote this model internationally within the month.

And of course, finally, expect a major overhaul of the website with beautiful, clean content, practical examples of dapps, a dynamic meetup map, and links to all newly created assets and community contacts.

as a result

The question we continue to ask ourselves every day is how we support our community to build awesome dapps and help your venture succeed on our platform. We hope the above provides a brief introduction to our plans. I will be releasing regular updates both on this blog and ours. youtube.

Stephan (

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