
Ethereum ÐΞV Update II by Gav

Well… it’s been a busy two weeks indeed. I thought it was time to do another update for those of you interested in how we’re doing. If you don’t already know, I’m Gavin, the founder of Ethereum and one of the three directors (along with Vitalik and Jeffrey) of Ethereum ÐΞV, the development entity that builds Ethereum and all related technologies.

After recruiting on behalf of DEV in Bucharest with the help of Mihai Alisie and the lovely Roxanna Sureanu, I spent the last week at my home in Zug, Switzerland (which also happens to be Ethereum HQ). During this time, I was able to launch the first prototype of Whisper, a secure identity-based communication protocol, and ended up with a small IRC-like app that demonstrated how easy it was to use. If you’re interested, here’s more information about Whisper. Ethereum Github Wiki And it’s kind of nice screenshot On my Twitter feed. In addition to this, I am helping finalize the upcoming PoC-7 specification and working towards PoC-8 (final). Finally, Jeffrey, Vitalik, and I drafted a strategy for identity and key management during our short time together in Zug. This will be developed further over the coming weeks.


In Berlin, Sarah was very busy with the builders getting the hub ready. here couple movie Berlin hub for work in progress. It may not be much yet, but the goal is to move in mid-November. I am particularly pleased with Sarah’s efforts to find an authentic 70’s barista espresso machine (-:

We are delighted to announce that Christian Vömel has joined the Berlin team and becomes Office Manager at ÐΞVHUB Berlin. Christian has many years of experience, including experience working in international environments and has even taught office management! He will be taking on some of the burden from the frankly overworked company secretary, Aeron Buchanan.

the team grows

Over the past few weeks we have confirmed a number of new hires. Network engineer Lefteris Karapetsas will soon join the Berlin team. With significant experience with cutting-edge network traffic analysis and deep packet inspection systems, he will assist with network protocol audits. But (like most of our team) he will also be working at NatSpec, which is truly multi-disciplinary. , the code name for the natural language formal contract specification system, the cornerstone of the transaction security model.

We’re excited to announce Ian Meikle, a brilliant videographer who co-wrote the impressive “Koyaanis-glichy” Ethereum. brand video Moved to ÐΞV to help with the communications team. Known only as Texture, he joined the communications team alongside Stephan, helping with strategy in the US and coordinating the network of meetups and hackathons around the world. It’s nice to have such a talented and passionate designer on the team. I know he has some great ideas for ÐApps!

Two more people were hired under Stephan in the communications team. Ken Kapler, it covers developer education direction, hackathons, Ethereum curriculum, university partnerships, etc. George Hallam was also hired by Stefan to evangelize Ethereum to startups and partners, expand the reach of the official network, and generally help Stefan make sure everyone knows what Ethereum is and how it can help them. It is done.

Jeff’s team has also recently expanded. He will talk about his progress in an upcoming post.

further development

In addition to the previously mentioned progress on Whisper and PoC-7, Christoph has continued the great work on the test repository. Christian took a big step forward with the Solidity language just a few days ago by deploying the first Solidity compiled program to the testnet blockchain.

Marek has moved from C++ to a JSON-RPC and Javascript front end that is natively integrated and bound to the Go client. In the meantime, Alex has been struggling with the C++ crypto backend and has been a huge help in reducing bloat and external dependencies.

Recently the Communications team has been receiving good news and is contacting some world-class educational institutions about potential educational partnerships and forming a branch network, particularly in the UK and internationally. Watch this space(-:

Finally, IMAPP’s Polish partners (Paweł and Artur) have completed the first implementation of a JIT-compiled LLVM-based EVM implementation. They are already reporting an average speedup of 30x (up to 100x!) for non-external EVM instructions compared to best-in-class native C++-based EVM implementations. It’s been a great job and we look forward to further improvements and optimizations in the future.

And the rest…

So much will happen in the future. I’d like to make a few announcements (including an impending hiring), but I need to wrap them up before I can write here. Please look forward to the next update!

June (

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