Ethereum Translation Program: Milestones and Updates

I hope everyone has a great time during the upcoming holiday season. Today we have some exciting new changes to announce and a few milestones to celebrate for’s translation program.

First of all, I can’t thank you enough for all your support this year. Thanks to you, we were able to update 16 languages ​​in 2020!

And since launching 13 months ago, unique page views of translated content have increased more than 10x compared to last year. πŸŽ‰

But we don’t want to stop here…

Please help me with v2.0+

Today we’re announcing our next major translation-ready content push. Because there’s a lot of content, it’s on Crowdin across v2.0, v2.1, and v2.2. This version covers the following pages:

  • Eth2 – Important information covering all things Eth2, from beacon chains and staking to why you need an Eth2 upgrade and how to change the network.
  • Ethereum developer resources – Extensive training content for both beginners and advanced developers.
  • And more!

Start translating v2.0 now on Crowdin!

Let’s go global

Currently, the website supports 33 languages, while Crowdin is still working on 25 languages. We’re seeing more demand from smaller language communities, so we’ve added more regional languages ​​to Crowdin.

Our goal is to make more accessible to users around the world, regardless of language and location. We are getting closer and we believe that with your help (and working together as a community) we can achieve our goals.

New UX for translation

Despite the increase in traffic to translated pages, we saw a decline in overall traffic growth this year. As you can see below, pageviews from translated pages were around 20% of total unique pageviews in February, but have declined to 10% in recent months.

I think this is because we expanded the English content. too many Over the past few months, translated content has become outdated. As a result, more users are returning to English websites.

With this data in mind and a desire to make our latest content accessible across all language sites, we’re making more changes…

Language site updates

We are concerned that users who use the site in other languages ​​are missing out on up-to-date information that is only available in English. Therefore, we make the following changes:

  • If the page is not available in your selected language, you will see English content (translated into your selected language) with the banner below. This means you’ll always see the most up-to-date content, even if it hasn’t been translated yet.

  • If the page you are viewing in the language of your choice has been updated to English, we will give you the opportunity to view the new English content. That way, you’ll find that there’s new information that hasn’t been translated yet.

Changes to our content are often more than just copying changes. We update our site regularly to add the latest products, articles, and other resources that we don’t want you to miss.

We hope this approach will provide you with a better experience. ethereum.orgThis can encourage more translation contributions.

Translation program update

  • Hide previous versions on CrowdIn

To focus on modern website translations, we’ve hidden older versions (v.1.0 and v.1.1) from CrowdIn. Previously translated content from previous versions is stored in your project’s translation memory. This is used to speed up translation of new versions by pre-translating identical or similar strings.

  • New version update: v.2.x

As mentioned, in order to translate all the new content, we have divided it into several minor versions: v.2.0, v.2.1, and v,2.2. We gave those numbers in order of priority. We recommend translating the lowest version first and working your way up to higher versions. If you want to translate a higher version, that’s fine, but I’ll upload it later after the lower version is uploaded.

Request more translators

For many of us, 2020 has been a difficult year. We are deeply grateful to our community for their tireless enthusiasm and continued contributions during these difficult times. We look forward to continuing the great work with you and welcoming more volunteers next year. We’re always looking for more translators to help more people get involved. If anyone is interested, please feel free to contact the relevant person. translation programor to us Dissension.

And feel free to post questions, collaborate with other translators, or join our Discord Server. For translation-related queries, visit the #translations channel.

We hope you have a safe and peaceful end of the year with your loved onesπŸŒŸπŸŽ„

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