
Ethereum partners with R3CEV on Lizardcoin, combining the best of centralized finance and blockchain technology.

The Ethereum Foundation announced that it will be collaborating with New York-based banking consortium R3CEV to create Lizardcoin, a new blockchain-based cryptocurrency. By replenishing institutional clients and the regulatory-loving public with a healthy dose of centralized control.

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Lizardcoin aims to become a direct competitor to Bitcoin as a store of value and has surpassed the first-of-its-kind Bitcoin fixed supply limit of 21 million. deflationary The model starts with a maximum supply of 20.9 million units and reduces supply by 1.5% each year. It does this by leveraging one of the greatest innovations of modern central banking: negative interest rates. All accounts are subject to a 2.5% annual holding fee, of which 1.0% is passed on to the member bank to do with as they wish.


In order to use Lizard Coin, you must first go through a separate KYC verification process with 28 of the 42 member banks. Tim Grant explains: “That makes it more decentralized.” “Even if all 13 banks are adopted, Goa’uld “During the next Illuminati cabal summit, aliens will not be able to create an infinite number of new accounts, disrupt the operation of the system, or traverse separate subsets of member banks to create multiple accounts for the same person.” The mechanism will then be: Like Byzantine Fault Tolerance experts Andrew Miller and Emin Gun Sirer endorsed it, but Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan declined to comment, arguing that it is highly insulting for computer scientists to use Istanbul’s former name to refer to compromised or malicious actors. ..

IBM’s Paul Randomer spoke favorably of the project, saying, “IBM has a two-person team building on Lizardcoin technology, and we hope to include this platform in our portfolio of 37,125 internal research projects across virtually every technology.” said. Every industry under the sun demonstrates This Is Huge™ and we believe Lizardcoin is clearly the future.” Bob Inthere of JP Morgan said, “For too long banks have been threatened by decentralized technologies. We now have a platform that can use the power of cryptocurrency to solidify, rather than disrupt, our core business lines. It will provide us with a revenue stream that will last forever for ourselves and better serve our true services. master of the lizard head.”

We are also actively discussing with the Department of Homeland Security about developing a strategy for how Lizardcoin can be used to combat terrorism around the world. I hope the people standing in the security line behind us don’t mind too much. After all, we are building the next revolutionary economy.

The Lizardcoin crowdsale* will be launched in two woks and Ether and Unicorn will be accepted as payment at the exchange rate of 1 Unicorn = 2.014 ETH =. 4.712388 Liz; Anyone around the world can participate, but must first go through KYC procedures with 28 banks, including multiple in-person visits in multiple countries. We have partnered with Coindesk to host blockchain conferences in each country over the next 12 months. This allows people to continue to summit while still receiving a stamp of approval to purchase the summit powered by blockchain technology.

*Lizardcoin Crowdsale does not provide any legal guarantees or promises. Neither R3CEV nor Ethereum assumes any responsibility for the continued development of the Lizardcoin platform after the crowdsale is completed. In fact, because Ethereum is a public blockchain, Lack of payment finality, neither ether nor unicorn nor lizardcoin will ever actually change hands. It’s just exponentially more likely that it will happen. For this reason, the Lizardcoin crowdsale does not actually legally constitute an offer of any kind.

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