Ethereum project updates | Ethereum Foundation Blog

The development of the Ethereum project went very smoothly from the beginning over several months. Our core activity, software platform development, is progressing well, and many developers around the world are starting to build small, exploratory distributed applications on the platform, even if it is not yet in alpha release.
Although the fifth article in the proof-of-concept series will be released soon, many community members still download and compile the development source code and use it regularly for a variety of activities.
Other key activities include attention to legalities in various jurisdictions related to pre-sales, development and testing of hot/cold wallet systems, and development and testing of sales websites. These are well on their way to completion. Documentation of the sale is almost complete, but there are still some incomplete items along the critical path, making it difficult to set a sale date just yet.
All these activities are included in our ongoing support and communication activity base. It has grown extensively due to the project’s global popularity. We have over 6000 followers on Twitter. The number of global gatherings focused solely on Ethereum currently stands at 58 groups in 49 cities across 19 countries. 13,300 people have subscribed to our newsletter. And various discussions are actively taking place on reddit/r/etherum and
The project is agile and fast-paced and has benefited from several leadership shake-ups since its inception. This fluidity is expected to continue as each of us remains lean, nimble, and committed to doing what is best for the project at any given time.
Stephan Tual and Taylor Gerring have been involved with the project since its inception and have been integral to the project. They already had significant input, but this has been formalized and is now part of the leadership group.
The most recent phase of business activity required strong attention to the legality of the sale, and Charles Hoskinson was ideally placed to lead that effort. However, that effort is now substantially complete and Charles will move on to other activities in that field.
Stay tuned to this channel as we will continue to release information about software development activities and pre-sale details for your absorption and feedback.