Ethereum purchase problem solved | Ethereum Foundation Blog

We hope that every Ethereum buying experience goes smoothly, but we recognize that there will always be situations where things don’t go as planned. Perhaps your internet connection will be lost during your purchase. Perhaps you accidentally clicked the back button or some link or hit refresh while the purchase was in progress. Maybe you forgot to download your wallet. Maybe you think you’ve forgotten your password and want to make sure you entered it correctly. In all of these situations, the user experience can unfortunately be a bit trickier than simply downloading a web app. A little command line work python script will be required.
First, let’s look at how to download the Python script. To install the script, download: postal archives Unzip it here. Then navigate to the directory and you will see several files including Now open a command line in this directory. run Python pyethsaletool.pyClick to display a list of help instructions.
Now let’s look at the most common problems you may encounter one by one.
1) You forgot to download the wallet before closing the browser tab.
You will need to receive a backup of your wallet via email. If you entered a fake email address and forgot to download the wallet at the same time, unfortunately there is no recourse.
2) I want to make sure my Ethereum was actually purchased.
run python list -w /path/to/your/wallet.json, replace that path with the path where you downloaded the wallet. Your purchase history will be displayed. If not, run it. Python getbtcaddress -w /path/to/your/wallet.json And find the address Blockchain information. If you have a non-zero balance, you are in situation #4.
3) I want to make sure I remember my password.
run Python getbtcprivkey -w /path/to/your/wallet.json, replaces the path. If you’re prompted for a password, enter it and see if an error occurs. If you receive an error regarding PKCS7 padding, you have entered an incorrect password. As long as you get your BTC private key (i.e. a 51-character sequence starting with 5), you’re good to go.
4) I sent BTC to the intermediate address, but it did not arrive at Exodus.
run Python getbtcprivkey -w /path/to/your/wallet.json, replace the path appropriately. Then this private key Blockchain.Info Wallet or Cryptokit. Alternatively, you can also run: python finalization -w /path/to/your/wallet.json Complete the purchasing process via Python.
5) I want to make sure I can access my ether in the future.
run Python getethprivkey -w /path/to/your/wallet.json, replaces the path. then download PytheriumInstall and use pyethtool privtoaddr c85ef7d79691fe79573b1a7064c19c1a9819ebdbd1faaab1a8ec92344438aaf4, replacing it with the Ethereum private key obtained in the first step. If the address you receive matches the address you saw when purchasing Ether, it means you have an Ethereum private key.
6) After the web app was completed, I sent more BTC to the intermediate address.
This situation is the same as #4. You can recover your BTC or complete it at your leisure.
If you have any other issues, please ask in the comments and I will add it to this post.