Ethereum Sales: Statistical Overview

The first two weeks of Ethereum sales are over, and we should still have Ethereum sales by now. More than 25000 BTC With over 50 million ETH sold, this is the largest cryptocurrency token sale to date, and the two donations make ETH the token of: 8th place in total valueIt even beat our beloved Dogecoin. 15.5M. A total of 6670 transactions have taken place, ranging from a minimum of 0.01 BTC to a maximum of 500 BTC, with purchases continuing to come in every hour. Additionally, Ethereum sales recorded the largest use of multisig to date. Because of our sales Percentage of total BTC stored in multisig In the last two weeks alone, it has jumped from 0.23% to 0.41%. This means it controls 45% of all BTC stored in multisig addresses, with 3/4 private keys split between various sites.
The purpose of this post is to provide an overview of our sales statistics to date. The data was collected yesterday when you held 24000 BTC and assumes all purchases were made for 2000 ETH/BTC (this assumption is not strictly true, but the error period is small enough that it can be safely discounted). First we this spreadsheetIt shows Ether purchases over time.
Individual spikes are made block by block. The chart shows that the distribution is broadly divided into two clusters, with one cluster closer to the start of the sale and the other cluster closer to the end of the full discount period. When a new price level of 1970 ETH/BTC (currently 1910 ETH/BTC) is initiated, purchases decline sharply. In theory, buying near the end of the entire discount period is a more optimal strategy in a naive game theory model. If you purchase near the end of the full discount period, not only will you get the same price as those who bought at the beginning, but you’ll also have the advantage of getting more information. You will get it. So the fact that most purchases were made last shows that Ethereum buyers are generally a rather sophisticated audience. If you were convinced that you could exchange your hard-earned BTC for cryptocurrency tokens, I think you would. The concept of “generalized consensus computing”.
Of course, it’s important to note that there are reasons to buy one in the first place. Some people are participating in the sale out of a desire to support the project, and some large buyers will probably priming effect Placing a larger amount of money (e.g. bills) into the tip jar to begin with increases the total amount received because it gives the impression that the recipient is important and worthy of contributing more.
At this point we can expect to see a decline in flows that will stabilize over the next few days, with a final surge expected to be smaller on day 42. The chart below shows the cumulative ETH sold to this point.
Another interesting thing to analyze is the distribution of purchases. this spreadsheet Contains a list of purchases sorted by purchase size. The largest single purchase size was 500 BTC (1 million Ether), followed by 466 BTC (933,580 ETH) and 330 BTC (660,360 ETH). We have not received any requests from . If you sort your purchases by size, you will get the following two graphs of the quantity purchased and the amount of ETH purchased by purchase size.
This only applies to purchases. There is also another piece of ether that will be distributed soon, this is the Endowment. Here’s where donations will be distributed: spreadsheet; The largest amount is equivalent to 0.922% of all ETH purchased (i.e. 0.369% of the total supply after 5 years) and the smallest amount is 0.004%, with a total of 81 people receiving a share. If you are one of the recipients, you will be contacted shortly. Otherwise, there is still a second fragment whose distribution has not been determined.
Distribution and Gini Index
As a final set of interesting statistics, we calculated three Gini indices.
- Gini index of Ethereum buyers: 0.832207
- Gini donation index: 0.599638
- Gini index for the entire set: 0.836251
The Gini index is a common measure of inequality. The way to calculate the Gini index is to draw a chart with both axes from 0% to 100% and draw a line where the Y coordinate of a specific X coordinate is calculated as a fraction of total income (or wealth). Owned by the bottom X% of the population. The area between this curve and the diagonal, as a fraction of the total triangle area below the diagonal, is the Gini index.
In an ideal society with perfect equality, the coefficient would be 0. The bottom X% of the population will obviously own X% of the wealth as any other In the opposite scenario, in an ultimate dictatorship where one person controls everything, the bottom X% would have exactly nothing until the last person would have everything. Therefore, the area between that curve and the diagonal is equal to the total area under the diagonal, and the coefficient is exactly 1. Most real world scenarios fall somewhere between the two.
The Gini coefficient for wealth and the Gini coefficient for income are different. One measures how much people have and the other measures the rate at which people receive it. because Savings are superlinear with income, the negative coefficients tend to be higher. For example, the Gini coefficient for the United States is: It is 0.801, the coefficient for the world is 0.804. Considering that the Gini coefficient in the real world measures inequality of access to resources, and that the Gini coefficient in cryptocurrency distributions arises from both inequality of resources and inequality of interest (some people may be a little concerned about Ethereum and which People totally care) 0.836 is a pretty good result. For comparison, Bitcoin’s Gini coefficient is Measured as 0.877. Currently, the top 100 ETH holders are responsible for 45.7% of all ETH, which is a lower percentage than the top 100 ETH holders. Among mainstream altcoinsThat statistic tends to be between 55% and 70%.
Of course, these last two comparisons are misleading. The Ethereum ecosystem has not even begun to actually run, and services such as exchanges that centralize control of currency units to a few wallets without centralizing legal ownership end up artificially inflating both the Gini index and the Gini index. gives birth to Top 100 scores of actually active cryptocurrency networks. Once Ethereum launches, it may prove impossible to estimate the Gini index accurately. This is because large amounts of Ethereum are stored within decentralized applications that run random Turing-complete operations. In many cases, it is difficult to understand mathematically.A set of rules on how to withdraw ether.
There are still 28 days left on the sale. I’m not expecting much from the rest of the year, but anything is possible. With organizational matters finalized, the organization is preparing to substantially scale up development and is finally on the fast track to completing the Ethereum code and releasing the genesis block. Scheduled for winter 2014-2015.