Examples of Trades Performed by Prop Master Expert Advisor – Chart – May 25, 2024

Today I will show you a few trades done by Prop Master Expert Advisors.
One. EURUSD May 14, 2024. The previous day’s high was broken and the market reached TakeProfit very quickly.
2. EURUSD May 17, 2024. The transaction was closed with a tracking stop. In this case, it seems that the trailing stop did not allow for more profits. If we look at the specific transaction, it is as follows. Looking at the overall statistics, in most cases a trailing stop will help you take at least some profit if the price reverses before reaching TakeProfit.
three. EURUSD May 23, 2024. This is an example of a trade where the trailing stop feature can be used to avoid losses the moment a support level breaks falsely. You can see how a price level breakout occurs and the price moves sharply in the opposite direction. In this case, stopping tracking can not only avoid losses but also make small profits. This is why it is important to use trailing stops when trading using a price level breakout strategy to maximize profits and avoid losses when price reverses in the opposite direction.